Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Pompeiiana Newsletter on Hiatus through Jan. 13, 2010

Io! Saturnalia!

The Pompeiiana Newsletter blog will be on hiatus from now through January 13th, 2010. I am traveling and will also be running around at the upcoming AIA/APA conference in Anaheim, followed by a short trip to Disneyland and will be away from my PC for weeks. I will resume posting issues on Jan. 13th, and all issues should be posted I'd think by March at which point there will be some sort of fun thing to do to commemorate the occasion of completing this project.

Thanks for reading!

Andrew Reinhard
Director of eLearning
Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers

Friday, December 18, 2009

Pompeiiana XXV.4, December 1998

Content: "Cantemus Latine!", "Cicero Mortuus Est!", "Ara Coeli . . . Stairway to Heaven", "Turnabout", "An Interview with Augustus Caesar", "Adaptation of Catullus 51", "Winter Solstice" poem, "Cita Itineraque Herculis", "Colorful History of the Celebration of Christmas Revealed by Holiday Customs and Terms", "Martial: Liber X.xlvii", "Sol Invictus" poem, "Roman Art", "Quis Sum?" poem, "Chillin' with Horace: Carmina I.xi" poem, "Concrete Evidence of the Role of Chance in History", "A Girl's Best Friend" poem, "Avoiding Deadly Lapsus Linguae", "King Midas" play, "Fires of Pompeii" poem, "Aurora at Pompeii", Roga Me Aliquid, "Cupid and Psyche" poem, "The Origin of Magistra", "Eternal Influence of the City Eternal", Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: Ova Mellita, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, Picturae Moventes, "Trivial Pursuit" wordfind, "Fabulae Greacae Romanaeque" crossword, "Scrambling to See" puzzle, "Panes Cotidiani et Feriati" puzzle, "Latin in Science" crossword, Libri Optimi, "Nomina Historica" puzzle, "Roman Concentration" puzzle, "Roman Farmin'" puzzle, "Six What on a What?" puzzle, "Ode to Echo!", "You Know You're Roman If . . . ", "The Flame" poem, "Oops! Wrong Evelyn!", reading comprehension questions from page one, "Nuntia Utilia Eis Qui Emptitetis", comics page, answer key for teachers.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Pompeiiana XXV.3, November 1998

Content: "Jesse Castra: Moderna Fabula Cinderellensis", "The Mulvian Bridge . . . Setting for Drama", "Join the Honor Roll", "Adventure in Taormina", "Pygmalion and Galatea", "Pluto & Persephone" poem, "Sample Class Activities for Latin I, II, and III", "Georges Revisited", "Those Dueling Swordfighters!", "Side-by-Side Translation" poems, "Alexander's Contraption", "Medea" poem, "Greek and Roman Man of Strength!" poem, "Quintus Curtius Rufus: Historiae Alexandri", "Ray of Pompeii a la Dr. Seuss", "The Story of the First Rose", "Pick Your Friends Well!" poem, "Watch What You Say, It May be Ancient!", "Cosmes: The Cosmetic Goddess", "Arts, Crafts and Architecture: The Gifts of the Roman Empire", "Jimmy" poem, "Can You Hear Pompeii's Voices?" poem, "Veterans Day in Rome", "Emperor's Annual Chariot Races Under Way", "No Sugar n' Spice Here" poem, "Fall" poem, "The Eleventh Commandment of Rome: 'Thou Shalt Bathe Thy Body'", Roga Me Aliquid, "We Got Those Ol' Roman Blues!", Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: Patina de Asparagis cum Herbis, "Octavius et Gigas", "R.I.P." poem, Picturae Moventes, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "A Mythological Burden" puzzle, "The Aeneid, Book I" crossword, "Hac Decade Televisionis Spectacula Iocularissima" puzzle, "It's a Father: Son Thing" puzzle, "A Thanksgiving Cornucopia" crossword, "Res Grammaticae" puzzle, "Searching for Body Parts" wordsearch, "A Thanksgiving-Pie Puzzle", "Now That's Impressive" puzzle, Libri Optimi, "Back to the Basics: Latin, That is!", "Looking Up" poem, reading comprehension questions from page one, "Nuntia Utilia Eis Qui Emptitetis", comics page, answer key for teachers.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Pompeiiana XXV.2, October 1998

Content: "Picturarum Adumbrationes: Non Amplius Liberis Solis", "The Umbrellas of Rome", "Frontinus: The Strategems", "Claudius' Challenge", "My Heart Will Go On" lyrics, "Haiku Latinae", "The Bad Roman Gods" poem, "Garum", "Not Just a Building", "Lament of Pliny the Elder" poem, "Echo and Narcissus" poem, "A Little Loosely Translated Catullus, Carmen V", "Io Diddle Diddle" poem, "When it Came to Art, It Was Like Greek, Like Roman", "In Stellarum Luce", "Invocation to Muses: An Update", "Birdhouse in Your Soul" lyrics, "An Imaginary Toga Tale", "No Skateboarding in the Forum", "Interlinear Haiku", "Beluarum Rex", "Catulli Carmen III", "Run for Love and Hate", "Let's Do Rome", "Demeter's Grudge", "Bad Boy" poem, Roga Me Aliquid, "The Legionary Fortress", "Reflections on Italy: A Journal", Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: "Pullus Gallinaceus Varius", "The Eyes of Homer", "Going for the Burn" poem, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, Picturae Moventes, "Scrambled Authors" puzzle, "Bellum Troianum" crossword, "Job Search" puzzle, "Spooky Titles" puzzle, "Corporeal Quiz" puzzle, "Crossword Movie Guide", "In Search of Jupiter's Library" puzzle, "Ova Romana" puzzle, "At One With Nature" puzzle, "In Search of Greek Mythology" wordfind, "The Golden Mississippi", "Three Little Thoughts" poem, "Territus" poem, reading comprehension questions from page one, "Nuntia Utilia Eis Qui Emptitetis", comics page, answer key for teachers.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Pompeiiana XXV.1, September 1998

Content: "Picturae Moventes Aestivae", "The View From the Pincio", "'Introduction to the Pompeiiana Newsletter' Scavenger Hunt", "My First Year in Latin", "Oedipus" poem, "Serpens et Mus", "Aeneas" poem, "Execution Update", "Invocation to the Muse: An Update" poem, "Beating Pulses" poem, "The Theatrical Tradition of Pompeii", "A Very Matter-of-Fact Story About Daedalus and Icarus", "The Wonders of Classical Architecture as Presented by Marcus Vitruvius Pollio", "Tempus" poem, "Improving Student Reading Levels", "Roman Mint, Anyone?", "Mettalum Gaiserum", "Foamy Aphrodite" poem, "Hey, You Mean We Didn't Invent All This Stuff?", "On A Street Corner, Two Romans Chat, More with their Hands than Their Voices", "Legion XIIII Now On Line", "Don't Just Sit There! There's a Lot You Can Do this Month", Roga Me Aliquid, "The Development of Inline Sandals", "Catullus II", "Go Ahead, Have Fun this Year", "Carpe Linguam", Recipe for Lactuca Condita, "Forbidden Love" play, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, Picturae Moventes, "Ancient Geometry" puzzle, "All in the Family" puzzle, "Women of Mythology" crossword, "A Matching Perscription for Wisdom" puzzle, "Animalia" crossword, Libri Optimi, "A Translation Word Search", "In Calina" puzzle, "A Ducky Palindrome", "Ceyx and Halcyone" poem, reading comprehension questions from page one, "Nuntia Utilia Eis Qui Emptitetis", comics page, answer key for teachers.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Pompeiiana XXIV.9. May 1998

Content: "Homo Urbanus", "The Cupolas of Rome", "The Ara Pacis Augustae", "The Great Latin Textbook Giveaway", "Catullus 50: The '90s Style" rap, "New Leads in Rome's Great Fire", "Rome: Our Origin" poem, "Classical Studies Gaining Importance in University Liberal Arts Programs", "Invocation to the Muses: An Update" poem, "Puellae" poem, "Glaucus and Scylla", "Sixth Grade Latin Students Visit the Underworld", "Catullus II in Ebonics" poem, "Rollin' on the Roman Road", Roga Me Aliquid, "Helena: Mother of Constantine the Great", "Pompeii" poem, "The Last Days of Pompeii" review, "Spicula" game, "Ave Atque Vale" poem, "Pila Ludere" games, Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: Puniceae Buccellae Lacteae Frictae et Mellitae, Picturae Moventes, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "Roman Style" puzzle, "Rainbow Research" wordfind, "Ecce Romani Vocabularia: Lectiones I-VI" crossword, "Lightly Scrambled Mythology" crossword, Libri Optimi, "Melodic Mythology" puzzle, "Septem Nani" puzzle, "Catervae Collegiales" puzzle, "Nuntia Collectanea" crossword, "Oblectatio Romana", "Aestate" puzzle, "Carthago Visitanda Est!", "Echo and Narcissus" poem, reading comprehension questions from page one, "Ad Negotium Transigendum", comics page, answer key for teachers.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Pompeiiana XIV.8, April 1998

Content: "Diversa Spectaculi Ad Loquendum Convivatrix: Rosea De Donella", "Let's Drive Out to Luca!", "Join the Honor Roll", "Io, Paganalia!", "Greek and Roman Defense of Vegetarianism", "Julia Domna: Happy Wife of an Emperor, Sad Mother of Two More", "Aeneas and I" poem, "Normal Animosity", "Getting Even with Catullus" poem, "A Little Bit O' Rome in Las Vegas", "Dubitatio: Scientiae Clavis" poem, "A Latin Student's Guide to the WWW", "For the Love of Persephone", "The Aeneid Through Modern Eyes", "Atalanta" poem, "Word Mystery", "Cleopatra: The Story of My Life", "Miracle of Creation Witnessed", "Savagery in the Aeneid and Vergil's Ancient Commentators", "Forum Verborum" game, "The Creation of the Doughnut", "Cyprus" poem, "Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes", "Rota" game, "Catullan Tears" poem, "Triptolemus' Lament" poem, "Trojan War Finally Ends!", Roga Me Aliquid, "Ephesus", Picturae Moventes, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "Verba Adversa" puzzle, "Naturally N'Awlins" puzzle, "Verborum Labyrinthus" wordsearch, "Geographia" crossword, "Scholae" puzzle, "I Claudius, the Novel" crossword, "Roman Tourist Attractions", "Movers and Shakers" puzzle, Libri Optimi, "Mixed Up Mythology" puzzle, "Romans Blamed for Pollution of Greenland's Ice Sheet", Ad Negotium Transigendum, reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Pompeiiana XXIV.7, March 1998

Content: "Gaius Iulius Caesar", "Verona, Italy", "Latrunculi, Duodecim Scripta, Tabula, et Sex Verba" games, "Slavery: The Worst Evil", "Mons Testaceus . . . A Medieval Golgotha", "The Latin Man" song, "Julius Caesar: Paradigm of glory", "Rebuild 'Old Rome' in Two Years?", "Mea Amica, Ver" poem, "The Gauls Sack Rome: An Anniversary", Word Mystery, "Agrippina: The Power of a Mother's Love", "Play Ball!", "Hercules" poem, "Vexillum Stellis Distinctum" poem, "Hero Pius" poem, "Loca Latina Graecaque in Orbis Terrarum Araneo", "Sic Transit Gloria Mundi", "Acies Triplex", "Quid Tibi Nomen Est?", Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: Armeniaca Ad Primam Mensam", "Echo's Song", Roga Me Aliquid, Picturae Moventes, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "The Boys of Summer" puzzle, "Famam Suam Vindicantes" puzzle, "Mommy! Daddy!" puzzle, "De Deis Deabusque" crossword, "The Flavian Dynasty" wordfind, "Let's Do the Monster Match" puzzle, "Searching for Deponents" wordfind, "Quaestum Facere" crossword, Libri Optimi, "Marcus the Turtle", "Pompeii" poem, "2,000 Ancient Scrolls Found", reading comprehenstion questions from page one, "Ad Negotium Transigendum", comics page, answer key for teachers.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Pompeiiana XXIV.6, February 1998

Content: "Maya Angelou", "Baiae: A Place to Explore", "Sebastian, Soldier and Martyr", Word Mystery, "Tres Parvia Porci", "The Course of Honor", "Trigon" games, "The Tragedy of Pyramus and Thisbe", "You're Not My Valentine" poem, "Livia, Model of Roman Virtue", "Looking Ahead to Summer" poem, "Deep: Red Love" poem, "Daedalus" poem, "The Origin of Tornadoes", "In Honor of George Washington" poem, "Mathematica" poem, "My Master, Caligula", "Give Each Other Heart" poem, "Nursery Rhymes", "Make Way for the Appian Way", "The Ideal Ruler According to Vergil and Shakespeare", "Stand Up and Shout" game, "T.S. Eliot No Hero of Modern Multi-Culturalism", Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: Panis Romanus ex Secali et Similia, "Ego's Lament" poem, "Cupid, I was There" poem, "The Tale of the Werewolf" play, Roga Me Aliquid, Picturae Moventes, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "At the Crossroads of Early Rome" crossword, "Starting Off on the Right Foot" puzzle, "O. Di Immortales!" wordfind, "Geting Cross with Grammar" crossword, "A Literary Journey" wordfind, "Not Your Average Bear" puzzle, "Extra! Extra!" puzzle, Libri Optimi, "You Can Count on Mythology" puzzle, reading comprehension questions from page one, "Ad Negotium Transigendum", comics page, answer key for teachers.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Pompeiiana XXIV.5, January 1998

Content: "Lupus in Spatio", "Metamorphosis . . . From Tepidarium to Church", "The Villa of San Michele", "Hortensia, the Voice of Reform", "Phoebe and James", "Arena News", "Roma Aeterna Vivit", "Pluto and Proserpina", "Hippomenes and Atalanta" poem, "Diana", "Vale, Ave", Word Mystery, "Of Battle's Fury" poem, "The Sun Also Rises for Mid-Year Graduates", "Scawvola" poem, "Vergil and the Christian World", "No Sugar and Spice Here" poem, "Socestes' Boot", "Olim Parvus Eram" poem, "Dominare" game, "Cupido Psycheque", "Mola" game, Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: Carotae Frictae, Roga Me Aliquid, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, Picturae Moventes, "Lingua Vulgaris" puzzle, "Will You Look Where I Was Looking?" wordfind, "Quis Hoc Scripsit" puzzle, "Scrambling to Get Cleaned Up for Weddings and Parties" puzzle, "Clari Romani" puzzle, "Literally Speaking" puzzle, "A Cryptic Crossword", "In a Manner of Speaking" puzzle, Libri Optimi, Ad Negotium Transigendum, reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Pomepiiana XXIV.4, December 1997

Content: "Fabula de Iesu Natu Latina Vulgari Scripta a Sancto Hieronymo", "Pontifex Maximus: Tum et Nunc", "Sorry, Millennium Watchers, You Missed It!", "Saturnalia Gambling" poem, "Fulvia, A Woman of Action", "Ludus Talarius", "Daedalus et Icarus" poem, "The Story of Mt. Olympus", "An Old Man's Tale", "Word Mystery", "What Holy Grail?", "Hey, Aeneas, Tell Us a Story!", "Marpessa and Apollo" poem, "Verbatim Latin Poetry", "Winter" poem, "The Battle of Cannae" game for class, "Iason et Medea", "A Ballad of Aeneas" song, "Ova Spongia ex Lacte" recipe, "Paterno By the Book", "Cook Your Way to Fame", "Turtulous", "Herculaneum", Roga Me Aliquid, Picturae Moventes, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "Who's Who in the Aeneid" puzzle, "On the Road Again" puzzle, "Is this Legal?" puzzle, "Colora Hanc Picturam Utens Coloribus Numeratis" puzzle, "Wacky Weather" puzzle, "The Odyssey" crossword, "A Search for a Snake in the Grass" wordfind, "It's Customary" puzzle, "Triskaidekaphobia" puzzle, "A Mixed Up Snow White" puzzle, Libri Optimi, "Meet the Press", "Ad Negotium Transigendum", reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Pompeiiana XXIV.3, November 1997

Content: "Caterva Quae Habet Bonam Vocem" (Bono of U2), "St. Cecilia and Her House-Church", "" (URL no longer works -ed.), "Ode to Latin", "The Scavi of Vatican City", "Alopecia", "Latin Explosion", "Nuces", "The Gray Sisters" poem, "Vir" poem, "A Minerva for the '90s", "Artemis and Actaeon: Another Ending", "The Greek Gods" song, "Pluto and Ceres" poem, Word Mystery, "Terentia: the Woman Behind Marcus Tullius Cicero", "About Divine Interventions in Vergil's Aeneid", "Cena Cum Familia Aemiliana", "Oratio In Studentes Ignavos", "Provinciae Romanae", Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: "Liquamen cum Bucibus in Anatem Elixam", Roga Me Aliquid, "For Devotees of Ancient Greece and Rome", "Gemini" poem, "Rainbow in the Sky", "Victor Omnium", Picturae Moventes, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "Mythological Counterparts" puzzle, "Top Six Musicals" puzzle, "Latin in the Ocean" puzzle, "Arithmetica Roman" crossword, "Abbreviated Matching" puzzle, "A Well-Turned Phrase" puzzle, "Searching for Arcadian and Boeotian Facts about Atalanta" wordfind, "Scrambling for Wisdom" puzzle, "Translation Station" puzzle, "To Love Anything But the Soul . . . " poem, reading comprehension questions from page one, "Ad Negotium Transigendum", comics page, answer key for teachers.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Pompeiiana XXIV.2, October 1997

Content: "Gulielardus Faber: Princeps Qui Pugnat Ut Mundum Defendat" (Will Smith, Men in Black), "The Peaceful Hues of Rome", "Polychromy in the Ancient World", "Caesar's Women" book review, "Hercules: A Sonnet", "Phrasing Out Latin", "Juno's Anger Reddens Barns", "Digitis Micare", "Oedipus" poem, "Hero and Leander" poem, "Adulescens" poem, "Thanks for the Idea, Ovid!", "Nero Talks but Denies Paparazzi Photo Ops", "Narcissus" poem, Word Mystery, "Sempronia and the Political World of Rome", "Demeter on the Edge" poem, "Clueless in Beverly Hills", "Apollo's Grand Mistake", "Latin Students in the Netherlands Invite Readers to Visit their Web Site" (this URL no longer works -- ed.), "Classics Revival: N.Y. Times", "Vade Piscatum", "Confessions of a Latin Lover", "Brutus" poem, "Gustatio Triplex" recipe, "Symbolic Shields of Pride", "The Mausoleum of Augustus", Roga Me Aliquid, Picturae Moventes, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "The Trojan War" puzzle, "Pomarii et Horti Fructus" puzzle, "Pater Deorum et Dearum" puzzle, "Lexicon Lesson" wordfind, "Pompeii: My Kind of Town" puzzle, "Orpheus and Eurydice" crossword, "Fun with Vergil" wordfind, Libri Optimi, "Orpheus and Eurydice" poem, reading comprehension questions from page one, Ad Negotium Transigendum, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Pompeiiana XXIV.1, September 1997

Content: "Hercules: Heros Verus", "The Secret of Inanimate Society of Rome", "Living Sculpture of Pomono Graces Pompeiiana Grounds", "Roman Baths vs. Contemporary Spas", "Pompeiiana Annual Meeting", "The Rape of Persephone", "The Tragedy of King Oedipus" poem, "My Favorite Pastime", "Roman Games with No Particular Rules", "Word Mystery", "The Roman Matrona: The Ideal Woman Behind the Man", "A Modern Tale About the Boot of Italy", "The Buckefloose", "Pueritia" poem, "Juxtaposed Seasons", "The Battle", "Horace's Journey to Brundisium", "The Multi-Layered Cake of Our Alphabet", "Haeneus", "Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: Globi Panicel cum Vino Dulci", "Cook Yourself to Fame", "Masada", Roga Me Aliquid, Carmina Optima et Oerum Auctores, Picturae Moventes, "Deciphering Cicero" puzzle, "Perseus vs. Medusa" wordfind, "State Your Motto" puzzle, "Latin Fun with English Puns" crossword, "Planetarum Nomina" puzzle, "Aulea Premuntur!" puzzle, "De Coloribus" puzzle, "Those Symbolic Greek Gods" puzzle, Libri Optimi, reading comprehension questions from page one, "Ad Negotium Transigendum", comics page, answer key for teachers.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Pompeiiana XXIII.9, May 1997

Content: "Verusne Hercules Se Attollet, Si Libet?", "Ferias Agamus: Let's Party", "Excavating the Teutoberg Forest", "Gades et Valete!", "Mors Reginae", "A series of fictional letters written from Roman women to men", "Did You Know That . . . ", "Oedipus" poem, "Don't Cry for Largo Argentina", "The Great War" poem, "Obituaries from the Other War", "Medusa" poem, "Sopranos Spike Altos: Siren Island", "Empresses and Other Women in High Places, "Orpheus" poem, "Arachne" poem, Roga Me Aliquid, "College Conundrums", "Stupid Cupid: Like Totally!", "Vita Civis Plebis", "Aphrodite" poem, "Tempus" poem, "Aestas" poem, "Diamante: Hephaestus and Ares", Libri Optimi, Picturae Moventes, "Vita Varietates" puzzle, "Licetne Adire Ad Valetudinarium?" puzzle, "Ubinam Gentium Sumus?" crossword, "A Greek Riddle" puzzle, "Listen to the Animals" puzzle, "Geography of Gaul" crossword, "Picture This!" puzzle, "Toriani Belli Dramatis Personae" puzzle, "Mottoes of the National Guard" wordfind, "Those Matchless Deities" puzzle, "Felus", "Artemis" poem, "Pluto and Proserpina" poem, "Suetonius: Rome's Tabloid Historian", "The Omega Labor", "Visit Rome with Chariot Tours", "Happynose" poem, "Physical" and "Emotional" cinquain poems, "Quid Est?", Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes, reading comprehension questions from page one, "Ministeria Conducibilia & Res Venales", comics page, answer key for teachers.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Pompeiiana XXIII.8, April 1997

Content: "Quam Ob Rem Mures Alpini Marsuppia Non Iam Habent", "A series of fictional letters written from Roman women to men", "Nos Morituri Te Salutamus", "Ferias Agamus: Let's Party!", "A Story About Ares", "Twelve Modern Labors for Hercules", "Martial . . . Rome's Comic", "Hercules and His Twin Iphicles" poem, "San Teodoro . . . A Gem Indeed", Roga Me Aliquid, "Pompeii" poem, "Did you know . . . ", "Iuppiter" poem, "Hercules and the Burning Boar", "Weddings", "To Horace" poem, "The Butcher" poem, "Roman Gladiators: Entertainment, Justice and Murder, Part 4", "Scrambled Word Search", "Say What?" puzzle, "April Showers Bring . . . " puzzle, "Getting Your Word's Worth" crossword, "Face It!" puzzle, Libri Optimi, Picturae Moventes, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "A Day at the Baths" crossword, "Phobomania" crossword, "Voices From the Past" puzzle, "Alphabetical Answers puzzle, "Cato Plebeius Romanus", "Women's Clothing", "The Dingy Demi Dozen", "Athena" poem, "Catullus-Style Spam" poem, "Creusa" poem, "Politically Deaf" poem, "Carthago Non Iam Delenda Est!", "Helen" poem, "'Eye' Had Had Quite Enough" poem, "Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: Bread Salad", "The Metamorphosis of Bill", reading comprehension questions from page one, "Ministeria Conducibilia & Res Venales", comics page, answer key for teachers.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Pompeiiana XXIII.7, March 1997

Content: "Alanis Omnia Negotia Musica Regit!", "Ferias Agamus: Let's Party", "Alexandria", "A series of fictional letters written from Roman women to men", "On Catullus" poem, "Caesar" poem, "The Starfish Story", "Virum Canamus!" song, "In Honor of the Peacemaker", "Julius" poem, "Apollo" poem, "Diana" poem, "Pliny the Elder: The Too Curious Scientist", "Roman Glass for Latin Class", Roga Me Aliquid, "The War of the Gods", "Amor" poem, Libri Optimi, Picturae Moventes, "Abbreviated Matching" puzzle, "Crux Verborum De Cicerone" crossword, "Searching for a Motto" wordfind, "What's In a Name?" puzzle, "Televisionis Spectacula" puzzle, "What does Martial Mean?" puzzle, "Apparatus Fabricemur!" puzzle, "Musical Match" puzzle, "Boxed-In" wordfind, "Emperors and their Reigns" crossword, "The Revenge of Arachne", "Gladiators: Entertainment, Justice and Murder, Part 3", "Women and Religion: Priestesses and Vestal Virgins", "My Love's Love's Dead" poem, "Dona Cereris", Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: Watercress Salad with Hot Herb Dressing, "Archaeology in Neptune's Realm", "Caesar" poem, Ministeria Conducibilia and Res Venales, reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Pompeiiana XXIII.6, February 1997

Content: "Fabula De Puellula Sulfurata Vendente", "American Heroes vs. Roman Heroes", "Ferias Agamus: Let's Party!", "Herodotus at Giza", "A series of fictional letters written from Roman women to men", "The Creation of Different Races", "A Modern Catullus 8", "Roman Gladiators: Entertainment, Justice and Murder, Part 2", "The Judging of Paris" poem, "Where the Poets and Artists Sleep", "A Dying Light in Corduba", Roga Me Aliquid, "'Participles Are a Science' to the tune of 'War is a Science' from Pippin", "Pat and Sarah" (modern Syrinx myth), "Latin Poetry", "Somewhere Near India", Libri Optimi, Picturae Moventes, "Seeking (Pos)Sum" wordfind, "Roman Religion" crossword, "TV Per Annos" puzzle, "Animal Kingdom" puzzle, "Everyday Latin" crossword, "A, Ab et Ad" puzzle, "Familia Tua" puzzle, "Beatudinal Match" puzzle, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "Roman Glass for Latin Class, Part 2", "Why Elephants Are Afraid of Mice", "Achilles" poem, "Riding the Crest of Latin", "Hiems" puzzle, "Juno's Wrath" poem, "Athena" poem, "A Hero?" poem, "Petronius: The Judge of Elegance", "Canis et Eius Repercussus", Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: Placenta Dulcis, "Women's Occupations Outside the Home", reading comprehension questions from page one, Ministeria Conducibilia & Res Venales, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Pompeiiana XXIII.5, January 1997

Content: "Nostra Angela Recentissima", "A series of fictional letters written from Roman women to men", "Ferias Agamus: Let's Party", "Bacchus: Once Again Popular on College Campuses", "Grammaticus Romanus", "Icarus" poem, "Latin Web Surfers Growing at an Alarming Rate", "Hierosolyma", "Neat Seats and More", "Local Hero Missing!", "The Street Tap . . . A Roman Institution", "How the War Started!", "Heroes and Heroines", "Women's Occupations at Home", "The Night, the Wind, and the Egg" poem, "Betrayal of the Bats", "In the Beginning" poem, "Roman Glass for Latin Class, Part I", "Sulpicia: Poetess of Rome", "Arachne" poem, Libri Optimi, "Latin Phrases" puzzle, "Colloquium Tribunalis Iudicis" puzzle, "Cursus Equorum" puzzle, "Quis Sum?" puzzle, "Clueless Crossword", Picturae Moventes, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "Inductive Mythology" puzzle, "Myth Monsters" puzzle, "Nothing at Which to Sneeze" crossword, "Ubinam Gentium Sumus?" wordfind, "Nulius Locus Domo Similis Est" puzzle, "Roman Gladiators: Entertainmen, Justice, and Murder, Part 1", "Why I Would Rather Be Candidate for American President than a Roman Candidate for Consul", "Dion, A Sacred City at Mt. Olympus", "Cantemus Latine", "Lingua Latina" poem, "Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: Edamus Piscem!", "Time to Depart", "My Love's Love" poem, "Mosaic Madness", "Pandora's Plea" poem, "The Invention of the Candle", "Rome Falls for Failing to Address its Energy Shortages", reading comprehension questions from page one, Ministeria Conducibilia & Res Venales, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Pompeiiana XXIII.4, December 1996

Content: "Est Vita Mirabilis", "The Aeneid: Book One" poem, "Ferias Agamus: Let's Party", "Ovid: A Poem and a Mistake", "Pharos: Lighthouse of Alexandria", "The Funeral", "A Murder on the Appian Way", "The Pontiff at the Synagogue", "Tria Carmina" poems, "Sister's Funeral" poem, "Ephesus", Roga Me Aliquid, "Heroes: Roman and American", "Ceres Non Amat Laborem Suum" poem, "The Battle of Two Invincibles", "Enemy of Roman State Finally Apprehended", "Hercules" poem, "A Series of Fictional Letters Written from Roman Women to Men", "Venus" poem, Libri Optimi, "The Dating Game" puzzle, "It's Slavery" crossword puzzle, "Mythological Derivatives" puzzle, "Sectus Herculis Labor" puzzle, "Cantemus!" puzzle, Picturae Moventes, "Familia" wordsearch, "Livy II" crossword puzzle, "Significant Events in Roman History" puzzle, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "The Legal Position of Women", "Roman Temples", "First Contact", "Minerva" poem, "Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: Patina de Piris", Ministeria Conducibilia & Res Venales, reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Pompeiiana XXIII.3, November 1996

Content: "Shannon Lucida: Astronauta Extraordinaria", "Ferias Agamus: Let's Party", "Colchis: In Search of the Golden Fleece", "Budding Political Pundits Speak Out in Latin!", "Religious, Legal, Medical, and Commercial Metaphors in Catullus 76", "Athenae: Magistra Mundo", "Cave Canem", "A Series of Fictional Letters Written from Roman Women to Men", "Wrestling the Wind", "The Honorary Column . . . a Roman Institution", "The Venus Throw", "De Ambiguate Quarundam Linguarum", "June 1, 1962", "Arvus Varus", "Mt. Vesuvius" poem, "Digging Up an Old Game", Roga Me Aliquid, "Catullus: A gentleman from Verona", "Hic Iacet: 'Here Lies'", "Perseus and Medusa" poem, "A Queen Called Autumn", "Legion XIIII Invades NJCL Convention", "Underground Network Revealed", Libri Optimi, Picturae Moventes, "Famous Phrases" puzzle, "Cicero's Revenge" puzzle, "Numeri Romani" puzzle, "Heracles" crossword puzzle, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "Holera" puzzle, "Universitatis Athletae" puzzle, "Ad Deos Romanos Petendos" wordsearch, "Clothing and Fashions" crossword puzzle, "Weddings and Roman Brides", "History Interrupted" poem, "They Also Fought Who Stayed Home and Studied", "To the Tune of 'The Beverly Hillbillies'", "The Trials of Aeneas: Book I" poem, "Zeus" poem, "How the Sphinx Came to Be", "Daphne and Apollo" poem, "Poets in a Landscape", "Cerberus" poem, Ministeria Conducibilia & Res Venales, reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Pompeiiana XXIII.2, October 1996

Content: "Jonathan Textor Thomas", "Lucretius: Explaining the Universe", "Ferias Agamus: Let's Party!", "Sudden Demand for Greek and Latin Authors Astonishes Publishers", "A Series of Fictional Letters Written from Roman Women to Men", "Flying Colors", "Petition", "We, the Immortal Ones", "Colosseum Dedicated: Finally Open After 10 Years of Construction", "The Trattoria . . . A Roman Institution", "Man Disappears in New Winged Horse Race", "From Birth to Marriage", Roga Me Aliquid, "Last Act in Palmyra", "Latin and WWII", "Cicero's Second", "August, A.D. 79", "The Roman Empire" poem, "Armadillus", "Tell Me a Story" poem, Libri Optimi, Picturae Moventes, "Animalia" puzzle, "Famous Words of Famous Men" puzzle, "Roman Authors" crossword, "Romani Praeclari" puzzle, "'Roman' About the House" puzzle, "Noun and Verb Forms" crossword puzzle, "Quotation Quest" puzzle, "Latin Lingo" puzzle, "Diggin into Declensions" puzzle, "Ludi Scaenici in Via Lata" puzzle, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "Macedonia: The Mother's Gift", "The Flight of Icarus", "One Fine Day" poem, "Former Latin Teacher Incorporates Classics into Her Latest Book", "Vergil Interviewed on His Birthday", "A Domus on the Palatine Hill", Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: Artichokes, Ministeria Conducibilia & Res Venales, reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Pompeiiana XXIII.1, September 1996

Content: "Gibber ab Dominae Nostrae Ecclesia" (The Hunchback of Notre Dame), "Ferias Agamus: Let's Party", "All Roads Lead to Rome, But Do Any Lead 'From Rome'?", "The Modern Gods" poem, "The Legend of Trochilos and Ornismya", "A Series of Fictional Letters Written from Roman Women to Men", "August, A.D. 79", "Latin Continues to Give Its Students the Edge", "The Balcony: A Roman Institution", "Alpheus and Arethusa" poem, "Women in Early Rome", Roga Me Aliquid, "P-A-I-N" lyrics, "The Thirteenth Labor: Killing the Goat of Ithitarus", "Roman Letters from Fort Vindolanda", "Reflections on Delphi", "Metamorphoses", "Urbs Mea", Libri Optimi, Picturae Moventes, "Reditus Ad Ludum" puzzle, "House of Atreus" crossword puzzle, "The Aeneid" crossword puzzle, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "Cicero A La Carte" puzzle, "Familiae Caledoniae" puzzle, "Spectasne?" puzzle, "Auctores Romani" puzzle, "Plautus: A Funny Thing Happened", "Roman Empire Held Together by Volcanic Ash", "Hahahae!", "Mea Sus", "Argus", "Nero Was Part of His Name-O" poem, "Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: Halvah Cake", "Bring Back the Excitement", Ministeria Conducibilia & Res Venales, reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Pompeiiana XXII.9, May 1996

Content: "Fratres Coen et 'Fargo'", "Legacies of Vesuvius", "Could Teaching Latin be the Elixir of Life", "Election Speech", "Machina", "Padua . . . Then and Now", "Perseus, Worshipped by the Roman Legions?", "C. Iulius Caesar Octavianus: Augustus et Pater Patriae", "From Bath to Cathedral", "A Visit with Glaucus, Owner of the House of the Tragic Poet", "Francesco Petrarca", "The Roman Navy", Roga Me Aliquid, Carmina Optima et Eoarum Auctores, Libri Optimi, "A Little Bit of Caesar" crossword puzzle, "Myth Monikers" puzzle, "Mystery Phrase" puzzle, "Sister Act" puzzle, "Message Mottos" puzzle, "Deity Description" puzzle, "Roman Television" puzzle, "Amor Post Meridiem" puzzle, Picturae Moventes, "The Fall of Rome: It's History", Coquamus Romane", "No Rest and No Peace" poem, "Romans Often Won the War After Losing the Battle", "Thinking About Halloween . . . Again", "Have Toga, Will Party", "The Dreaded Passive Periphrastic", "A Warning" poem, "Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema: Painter of 'Victorians in Togas'", Caveant Emptor Vendorque, reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Pompeiiana XXII.8, April 1996

Content: "Ludi Olympici Committeantur", "Exploring Campania: A Piece of Paradise", "Spend a Classical Spring Break in the U.S.A.", "Be Careful What You Pray For, The Gods Just Might Give It To You", "Riley Revels in Learning Latin" poem, "Easter", "In Reverentia" poem, "Orvieto . . . Then and Now", "Aquaeductus", "The Parthenon", "Aurelius Augustmus", "Aeneas and Dido" poem, "A Lecture on Stoicism", "Roman Fortifications", Roga Me Aliquid, "A Victim of Vesuvius" poem, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, Libri Optimi, "Vergil and the Aeneid" crossword, "On the Cutting Edge" puzzle, ". . . When You're Having Fun" puzzle, Picturae Moventes, "Verba Vitae Romanae" puzzle, "The Nine Muses" puzzle, "Eastern Religions" puzzle, "Ulysses", "Fathe of the Year" puzzle, Coquamus Romane, "Changes in Later Roman Times", "Who Owns It? His, Hers, Its, and Theirs", "Augustus Creates a New World Order", "Students Return After School to meet Those Wonderful Romans", "Crash Closes Via Appia", "Medusa's Mongoose", "Unplugged: The Siren Song", Caveant Emptor Vendorque, reading comprehension quesstions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Pompeiiana XXII.7, March 1996

Content: "Pauli Somnium", "Venturing into the Spirit of Rome", "Intensive??? Reflexive??? What's a Scholar to Do? Intensive and Reflexive Pronouns", "Titus Lives", "When in Ancient Rome . . . " poem, "O.K., Here's What Really Happened on the Ides of March, 44 B.C.", "Navis", "Trastevere . . . Then and Now", "A Welcome Return to Monarchy: The Hundred Year Roman Revolution", "Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus: the Savior of Rome", "It's Never Too Early to Start Thinking About Halloween", "Res Hodie Agendae", Roga Me Aliquid, "The Roman Camp", "Cupid's Love" poem, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, Libri Optimi, "Find-a-Form" wordsearch, "Twelve Labors of Hercules" crossword, "Author! Author!" puzzle, "State Motto Search" puzzle, "Figuratively Speaking" puzzle, Picturae Moventes, "Ornaments and Jewelry", "Derivative Matching" puzzle, "The Roman Forum" puzzle, "How Much Do You Know About Ulysses?" puzzle, "Animal Match" puzzle, Coquamus Romane, "A Ring of Arcades: The Colosseum", "Roman Marriage", "Stories from the Underworld: Legends of the Fall . . . ", "lower case love" poem, "Lean on Me" poem, Caveant Emptor Vendorque, reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Pompeiiana XXII.6, February 1996

Content: "Fabula de Oblectamentis Puerorum", "Tivoli: A Refreshing Pause", "The Gracchi: Defenders of the People", "Latin Phrases Save the Day at Pompeii", "Singing to a Different Tune", "False Bravado", "The Triumph of the Arch", "Figlina", "Narcissus and Echo" poem, "Roman Rhymes", "The Sphinx's Riddle", "Weapons and Tactics", "Rome Versus Carthage", "It's a Bird! It's a Bee! No, It's a Hummingbird!", "Shoes, Boots, and Sandals", Roga Me Aliquid, "Tempestas Roxanna", "Roman" poem, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "Monstra" puzzle, Libri Optimi, "Partes Corporis", "Common Knowledge" crossword, "The House of Atreus . . . Pride Comes Before the Fall!", "Connect the Dots" puzzle, Picturae Moventes, "Searching for the First Declension" wordsearch, "In Aliis Litteris" crossword, "Coquamus Romane", "Publius Ovidius Naso", "Regulus, The Champion" poem, "Castel Gandolfo . . . Then and Now", "The 'With' Ablatives: You Can't Survive Without Them", "Obituary for Adonis" poem, "Venus" poem, reading comprehension questions from page one, Cavenat Emptor Vendorque, Comics page, answer key for teachers.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Pompeiiana XXII.5, January 1996

Content: "De Una Europaeorum Populari Re Publica", "Crossing the Veil of Time", "Quintus Horatius Flaccus", "The Circle of Figures Known as the Zodiac", "The 'Prize' of October Equus Dedicated to Vesta", "Daily Life in the Military", "Early Roman Architecture: An Auspicious Start", "Palestrina: Then and Now", "Hats and Hairdressing", "Chariot Racing Comes Back to Life", "Roga Me Aliquid", "Mensura", Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, Libri Optimi, "Latin Phrases" Crossword, "Looking into the Past" puzzle, "Trojan War Matching" puzzle, "A Comman of the Language" puzzle, Picturae Moventes, "It's a 'Myth'tery to Me" crossword, "Mixed Fruit" puzzle, Coquamus Romane, "Nothing Without Theseus", "The Fun We Had on the Poseidon Adventure", "Heroinae: Some Great Ladies of Roman Legend", "The Rise of Rome and the Unification of Italy", "Gunfight at the O.K. Columns", Caveant Emptor Vendorque, reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Pompeiiana XXII.4, December 1995

Content: "Tympanista Puerilis", "The Novelty of Discovering the Past", "Philip, Alexander and the Hellenistic World", "Recruitment", "The Innovation of the Acropolis", "Roman Women's Clothing", "A Comparison of Roman 'Cum Manu' Weddings and Modern Jewish Weddings", "Latin Inscription Graces Marilyn's Last Home", "Catullus: 200 Proof!", "Piazza Navona . . . Then and Now", "Moving Toward an E-Mail Phone Book for Latin Teachers", "Amor Didonis" poem, "The Cleverest Man Alive", "The Danaids" poem, "Latin IV Students Leave Mosaic Memento", "Aeneas", "Is It Still Politically Correct to Celebrate Our National Pastime?", "Calaero the Harpy" poem, "The Poor and the Rich", "The 'Ssslyest' Revenge", "These Roman Thermae Aren't Half Bad!", Roga Me Aliquid, "Voices of the God: The Sibyl of Cumae", "An Excerpt from Yeats' 'The Second Comnig'", "Sites of Rome", Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, Libri Optimi, "Livy I" crossword, "Intra Oppidum Romanum", "Looking for the Gods" puzzle, Picturae Moventes, "Clash of the Titans" crossword, "Alexander the Great", "Olympian Roles" puzzle, "Titus Lucretius Carus", Coquamus Romane, "A Satyric Night" poem, "Why the Chameleon Changes Colors", "Finally, A Student Work-Partner System That Kids Like That Works", "The Siege", "O! Sweet Maro!" poem, "Thadia", "Dear Parents", "Quid est 'Quid?': The Interrogative Pronoun Made Simple", "Aratio", "She Loves Me Not" poem, "Teacher Needs Help Finding Model of Rome", Caveant Emptor Vendorque, reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pompeiiana XXII.3, November 1995

Content: "Hiems Venit. Tempus Est Cogitare De Frigore et De Alasca", "Horologia", "Florence: a City of Multiple Personalities", "Dying Man" poem, "The Roman Army: Changes Through History", "Left-Over Parts", "And Now, Here's the News . . . in Latin", "The Toga and Other Roman Men's Garments", "Publius Vergilius Maro", "The Case for Case", "Latin Teacher Wins $25,000 Award", "Dear Diary", "Aphrodite" poem, "Apollo and the Sacred Grove of Delphi", "Latin Teacher Extraordinaire", "Roga Me Aliquid", "The Mystical Language of Learning" poem, "The Parthenon", Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, Libri Optimi, "Monster Matching" puzzle, "Ubinam Sumus?" puzzle, "Searching for Latin in Today's World" puzzle, "Pithy Latin Phrases" crossword, "Roman Numeral Matching" puzzle, "The Bruti: Defenders of the Republic", "Roman Architecture" wordsearch, "Dizzy Deities" puzzle, "Do You Know the Latin Word for . . . ?" crossword, Coquamus Romane, "Rules on High" poem, "The Peloponnesian War: A Greek Autopsy", "Frascati . . . Then and Now", "Hail Caesar", "Tarquinia Superbus" poem, "Diamante" poem, Caveant Emptor Venorque, reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pompeiiana XXII.2, October 1995

Content: "Mortui Grati Vesustiores sunt -- Desistentne autem de symphoniis?" (Grateful Dead), "Military Armor and Uniforms", "Walking on Holy Ground", "New Adventures of Jason and the Argonauts", "Marcus Tullius Cicero", "Arion and the Dolphin", "Scriptio", "Know Your Capitals: A Guide to Greek Architecture", "Similarities Between Masada and the Jonestown Tragedy", "Asclepius" poem, "Stresa and Lago Maggiore: Then and Now", "Romulus and Remus", Roga Me Aliquid, "Grammar Glossary: The Bare Basics", "Aeneas Meets the Harpies" poem, "Roman Kings" puzzle, "Latin Baseball" puzzle, "Latin is Puzzling" puzzle, "The Trojan War" crossword, Libri Optimi, Picturae Moventes, "Symbol Matching" puzzle, "Origin of the Universe" puzzle, "Military Fashion Matching" puzzle, "Ugly But Effective! Mythological Beasts", "Dia Deaeque" crossword, Coquamus Romae, "Classical Greek Clothing", "Medusa" poem, "The Persian Wars. Who Wants to Hear a Good History?", "Egyptian Queen" poem, "Trading" poem, Caveant Emptor Vendorque, reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pompeiiana XXII.1, September 1995

Content: "Pocahontas: Disnei Magna Pictura Movens Aestiva", "Aeneas, Pater Patriae", "Stepping into the Roman World", "Latin in Today's World", "Anzio . . . Then and Now", "Origins of the Roman Army", "Wood into Stone", "Greek Bronze Age Clothing", "Cleopatra Clothing", "Titus Maccius Plautus", "Musica", "Roga Me Aliquid", "Is It Relative or Relevant? Really Readable Lessons on the Relative Pronouns", Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, Libri Optimi, "Ludi" puzzle, "Aenigma" puzzle, "Fabula Ulixis" crossword, "Potesne Memoria Tenere Verborum Vestrorum Tempora?" puzzle, "Magna Opera Litterarum", "Nostra Camera" puzzle, "There is Danger in Being Loved by a God", Picturae Moventes, "Colores" puzzle, "Gods and Goddesses" crossword, Coquamus Romane, "Oh, Deadly Slumber" poem, "Debunking Ancient History", "Oh Zeus!" poem, Caveant Emptor Vendorque, reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Pompeiiana XXI.9, May 1995

Content: "Castis et Petuculus" (Beavis and Butthead), "An Embrace Through Time", "Another Odyssey: Traversing the Internet", "Sanctus Iohannes Ante Portam Latinam", "Poseidon, Neptune: God of the Sea", "Classical Studies at Valparaiso University", "How Are You Doing in Latin?", "'Stretching' for Latin Meanings", "Roga Me Aliquid", "The Nordic Version of the Greek Creation Story", "Those Wonderful Romans", "Orville of Redenbacher and the Origin of Popcorn", "Sic Transit Gloria Mundi", "Ubi Monstra Fera Sunt", Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, Latin Word Search, "Exercise Your Vocabulary" puzzle, "Caesarean Retrospect" crossword, "Classical Compositions" puzzle, Picturae Moventes, "Classical Couples" puzzle, "Vita Cottidiana" puzzle, "Cryptoquip" puzzle, "Vexillia" puzzle, "Mythology" jumble, "Verba Trita" puzzle, Libri Optimi, "Matching Maxims" puzzle, "Illustrated Story of the Founding of Rome", "Beauty and the Beast", "Pro Patria", Dextro Pede, "A.D. 79" poem, "Apollonia", "The Twelve Olympians" poem, Caveant Emptor Vendorque, reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Pompeiiana XXI.8, April 1995

Content: "Lascivulus Lepus", "Pompeii: A Life Unearthed", "The Resurgence of Latin Schools", "The Great Mosaic Project", "Carpe Diem" poem, "Follow the Leader", "Spartacus and Harriet Tubman", "Io Lupercalia!", "On Musical Talent and the Quality of Instruments", "Catullus XIII Illustratus", "Orion and the Pleiades", "How Are You Doing in Latin?", "'Mourning' Glory", "Roga Me Aliquid", "Ad Limina Apostolorum", "The Story That Jack Told", "Proelium Supremum", "Villa Stephani, Brundisio", Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "Latin Words and Phrases" crossword, "Animal Cryptoquip", "Classic Couples and Their Children" puzzle, "Barnyard Blowout" puzzle, "Partes Corporis Hominis" puzzle, Picturae Moventes, "Latin Analogies" puzzle, "Looking for Verbs" wordsearch, "Numeri Romani" puzzle, "America's Erstwhile Pasttime" puzzle, Libri Optimi, "Cities of the Roman Empire Found in the Book of Acts" puzzle, "Important People and Places of Ancient Rome" puzzle, "Roman Soldier's Weapons and Equipment", "Stoicism", "Pompeii" poem, "News from the North", Dextro Pede, "Free Translation of Catullus' 'At His Brother's Tomb'", reading comprehension questions from page one, "Caveant Emptor Vendorque", comics page, answer key for teachers.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pompeiiana XX1.7, March 1995

Content: "Qui Docuit E.T. Loqui Nunc XXIII Annos Natus Est", "A Rambling Man", "Then Fall Caesar" poem, "Whatever Happened to Calpurnia? Inquiring Female Latin Students Want to Know", "Sine Dubio Equus Est!", "Did Anybody Really Care What Time it Was?", "The Night I Saved the City", "Rota Fortunae", "Battle of the Orbs", "How Are You Doing in Latin?", "Astro-Numismatics Anyone?", "Advice to Dido" poem, "The Times They Are A-Changing", "Roga Me Aliquid", "Imprints" poem, "It's a Mess Out Here!", "The Gates of Rome", "Letters from Bithynia", Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "Heavenly Puzzler" crossword, "Hercules and Jason" wordsearch, "Derivative Drill" puzzle, "Latin Advice" puzzle, Picturae Moventes, "Puzzling Pets" puzzle, "Mythology" puzzle, "Standards and Musical Instruments of Warfare" puzzle, Libri Optimi, "Res Martiales" puzzle, "Latin Convention" Puzzle, "College Team Names", "Opera Caesaris" puzzle, "Fabella Alphabetica", "Claudius the God" poem, "Getting a Grip on Latin Derivatives", "Martial's Last Stand" poem, "Transparent Language Gaining National Recognition", "Latin Humor from the Ukraine", "Romerican Heroes", "Rolling Horatio", "Dextro Pede", "Latin Goes Trilingual", "Caveant Emptor Vendorque", reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pompeiiana XXI.6, February 1995

Content: "In Via ad Infernum Multi ad Caelum Suspiciebant", "Pompeii: The Last Battle", "Hannibal" poem, "Teaching Mythology at Your Local Museum of Art", "The Mellow God", "How Are You Doing in Latin?", "The Fateful Day" poem, "Don't Catapult in the Dark! Pompeiiana Has the Blueprints!", "Self-Scourge for Valentine's Day" poem, "Gaius Julius Caesar" poem, "Trials and Triumphs" poem, Roga Me Aliquid, "Eucleidian Memoirs", "Student Receives Letter from Eros", "Pompeii" poem, "Computer Catches and Caveats for Latin Lovers", Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "Legal Latin" puzzle, "Libri Discipulis ad Universitatem Proficiscentibus" puzzle, "Search for Roman Military" puzzle, "Weaving Your Way Through Cicero" puzzle, "Body Parts" puzzle, Picturae Moventes, "State Mottoes" puzzle, "Looking to the Sky" puzzle, "Res in Schola" puzzle, "Latin Boggle", Libri Optimi, "The Palatine Hill . . . From Rags to Riches to Ruins", Dextro Pede, "Catullus 101" poem, "The Legacy of Paris" poem, "Without Diana There Would be no Cereal", "Make Your Move to Mythical Meadows Now!", reading comprehension quesions from page one, Caveant Emptor Vendorque, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Pompeiiana XXI.5, January 1995

Content: "Ab Tempestatis Viro Ad Litterae Virum" (David Letterman), "An Unforgettable Disaster", "Tuniced Toddlers Tackle Tenses", "Janus Speaks Out", "Midas: The Untold Story", "Cerberus" poem, "How Flora Became the Goddess of Flowers", "Latin Class" poem, "How Are You Doing in Latin?", "Slick City Magazine Features Local Latin Teacher", "Noli Nimis Alte Volare!", "A Day in the Lives of Dido and Aeneas", "Why Pegasus is at Jupiter's Stable" poem, "Caesar Augustus . . . Ave Atque Vale", "Roga Me Aliquid", "Paris" poem, "Tornus Adus Superbus: The Untold Story", "Portfolios: Another Tried and True 'New' Idea", "Reflections on Italy", Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "Amo Catullum" puzzle, "Villa Rustica" puzzle, "Mythology Quiz", "In Honor of Cicero" crossword, "Spectacula Ludorum" puzzle, "Latin and English Opposites" puzzle, "Nova Lingua Latina" puzzle, "Scisne Haec Opera Guillielmi Shakespearei?" puzzle, Libri Optimi, "Quote Boxes" puzzle, "Mythological Song Title" puzzle, "Famous Latin Phrases" puzzle, "Why Fight?", "Catullus: Personality Check", "History Repeats Itself", "Dextro Pede", "The Greeks: Attended by 900 Indiana Latin Students", "Venu Continues Her Obfuscations", "Artemis" poem, "Aphrodite" poem, Caveant Emptor Vendorque, reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Pompeiiana XXI.4, December 1994

Content: "Cuniculus Parvus Qui Saturnum Vidit", "Pompeii: A Survivor's Account", "Latin Now Cruising the Information Highway", "The Quest for the Golden Yak", "Jason and Medea in the Nineties" poem, "Mrs. Claus, Thy Time Has Come, and Apparently Passed", "Old St. Peter's", "How Are You Doing in Latin", "Are Your Classes Tired of S.O.S.?", "Footprints in the Earth", "The Fat, Hairy Women of Pompeii", Roga Me Aliquid, "Arachnophobia" poem, "Don't Pen Epitaph for Latin Just Yet", "Leto Explains Why Temples are Built", "De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum" poem, "Haec Domus Vetus" crossword, "Cryptoquote" puzzle, "Picturae Moventes" puzzle, Picturae Moventes, "States and Their Flag Mottos" puzzle, Carmina Optima et Eoarum Auctores", "Take It Slow: Stuff You Should Know" puzzle, "Emperor Scramble", "Gods, Goddesses and Characters" puzzle, "Carmina Latina" puzzles, Libri Optimi, "Latin Rebus", "A Life in Brief: Cicero", "Finding New Life in a 'Dead' Language", "Where's Arachne?", "The Diary of Spartacus", "Dextro Pede", "Hector" poem, "Attack of the Laestrygonians" puzzle, "Latin with Ms. Mitchell" poem, "Caveant Emptor Vendorque", reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer keys for teachers.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Pompeiiana XXI.3, November 1994

Content: "Morphini Potentes Qui Valde Pervaguntur", "Day in Pompeii", "On Life and Love", "The Olympic Games: An Original Poem", "The Rooster Crows at Dawn", "Poetic Triple Treat", "The Gardens of Pompeii Live On", "Ruins of Carthage Not Salted Down By the Romans", "The Mouse Who Loved Latin", "The Great Bacchic Discovery", "How Are You Doing in Latin?", "Roga Me Aliquid", "Artifacts Wait 100 Years for Study", "Modern Homes Outlast Roman Ones", "The Death of Hercules" poem, "The Mamertine: House of Horrors", "A Peek at the Diaries of Pyramus and Thisbe", "The Wedding of Pirithous and Hippodamia" poem, "Aegra Sum!" poem, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "Tabernae Hodiernae" puzzle, "Roman Gods" puzzle, "Ancient Roman Society" crossword, "Taking Tests" puzzle, "Holiday Mix-up" puzzle, "Magazine Matching" puzzle, Picturae Moventes, "Rome's Mystery Building" puzzle, "Trees with a Latin 'Root'", "Italian Geography Word Search", "Roman Around the House" puzzle, "Latin Crytoquip" puzzle, Libri Optimi, "Fashion Craze! Doric or Ionic", "Romans Would Not Have Tolerated the Cancellation of the Ludi Romani", "Drink Two Cups of Boiled Thyme and Call Me in the Morning", "War" poem, "Veni, Vidi, VISA?", "If You Can Afford It, You Can Own It All!", "Why Goats Have Horns", "Grossman Wins First Place Ribbon!", "Dextro Pede", Caveant Emptor Vendorque, reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Pompeiiana XXI.2, October 1994

Content: "Silva Gumpus: Mundus Per Oculos Pueriles In Corpore Virili Spectatus" (Forrest Gump), "Marcus Junius: A Brave and Honorable Man", "Something Every Well-Rounded Latin Class Should Have", "'Roman' the Alphabet" poem, "Government Scheme to Hoard Grain Revealed", "Why Poor Willow Weeps", "Pennsylvania Latin Teachers Confront the OBE Monster", "Latin Cities Flourish in America", "Midas's Golden Touch Preserved in South Dakota", "How Are You Doing in Latin", "The Discovery of His Life" (Arthur Evans), "From Italian to Latin" poem, "Roga Me Aliquid", "Caesar's Lament" poem, "Banqueting in Suburbia", "A Sabine Lament" poem, "Jason's Big Adventure", "Perseus vs. Medusa" acrostic, "Teacher Watches the Growth of an Archaeological Site", Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "The Wonderful 60s" puzzle, "Crypto-Family" puzzle, "Famous Roman Writers" crossword, "One-Eyed Puzzle", "The Classical Orders" puzzle, "Motto Scramble" puzzle, Picturae Moventes, "Who Am I?" puzzle, "Having a Head for Latin and Greek" puzzle, "Matching Roman History" puzzle, "A Match for Caesar" puzzle, "Going to the Bank" puzzle, Libri Optimi, "Carried Away by Derivatives" puzzle, "See Ya In Church . . . In the Forum", "Roman Dogs Survive in Germany", "Nero" poem, "Vergile's One True Love", "Love Intertwined" poem, Dextro Pede", "5,300 Year Old Italian Shepherd Found Frozen in Northern Italy", "Caveant Emptor Vendorque", reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pompeiiana XXI.1, September 1994

Content: "Mea Cara, Liveros Minores Feci", "Trusting Classical Values", "Letter from President Bill Clinton", "A Soldier's March" poem, "Vergil and War", "Brutus Will Explain . . ." poem, "Herculaneum's Long Delayed Excavation", "Martin and the Carpenter", "US" poem, "Could Latin be the Language of the European Union?", "How Are You Doing in Latin?", "Up and Personal with Nero", "Roga Me Aliquid", "The Old Greek Quarter of Rome . . . Then and Now", "Study of Latin Addressed by National Standards Task Force of ACTFL", "The Cry of 'Ludi Romani' Still Stirs the Masses", "Pluto Water: America's Link to Roman Thermae", "On the Turning Away: A Lesson to be Learned from the Emperor Claudius", Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "Web O' Relations" crossword, "The Classics' Last Stand" puzzle, "NCAA Sweet 16 '94" puzzle, "Sports Teams" puzzle, "Ye Gods!" puzzle, Picturae Moventes, "Seeking Divine Favor" puzzle, Libri Optimi, "Imperial Inference" puzzle, "Myth-Connected" puzzle, "Bellum" puzzle, "Spectacula in Televisione" puzzle, "A Sound Mind in a Sound Body" puzzle, "It's Happening in France: People are Actually Communicating in Latin", "Catullus and his Fickle Friend Lesbia", "Grass Roots Community Support Strengthening Interest in Latin", "Ancient Roman Children on Welfare", "Sicut Tu Mihi Esse Videris", "Dextro Pede", Caveant Emptor Vendorque, reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Pompeiiana XX.9, May 1994

Content: "Mensis Maius: Matres Nunc Honorandae Sunt", "Nero Vows to Rebuild Rome", "June Wedding?" poem, "Let's Hear it Once More for Latin!", "The Virus" poem, "Heroes and Monsters Master Project", "Salve, Mihi Nomen Est Magistra", "Getting to the Point of Punctuation", "The Vatican: Ecco Roma!", "Roga Me Aliquid", "Road Hazard Finally Eliminated", "Morpheus" poem, "Martial's Gibes Through Modern Eyes", "Pretzels: A Rewarding Treat", "Argus and Jupiter" poem, "Cupid and Psyche: February Diary Entries", "By the 1st Century A.D. Romans Could Finally Enjoy a Glass of Wine", "Theodosius", "The Garden of Mantis", Carmina Optima et eorum Auctores, "Crossing Over to Summer" crossword puzzle, "Disney Movies" puzzle, "Famous Roman Writers" puzzle, "Latin in the Courts" puzzle, "This Mixed-Up Language" puzzle, "Eat Your Fructus et Holera!!!" puzzle, "Relatively Speaking" puzzle, Picturae Moventes, "Myth Match" puzzle, "The Lesser Deities" puzzle, "Searching for Latin Words and Phrases" puzzle, "Carry Out This Task" puzzle, "Pharmacy Terms" puzzle, "College Mascots" puzzle, Libri Optimi, "Baucis and Philemon" poem, "Latin Book Friends" poem, "Wall of Love" poem, "A New Reason to Rejoice" poem, "Jupiter" poem, "The Curse of Cochleus", "Origin of the Gods" poem, "King of Thebes Killed", Ex Libris Apici, "Thebes to Get New King", "A Waffley Deep Thought for Latin Scholars", "Oedipus Not So Complex", "Loving Couples" poems, "Mint: The Myth and the Medicine", "Cretan Farewells" poem, "Philosophy and the Arts Yield to Military Might", "Dido's Love Poem", "Aeneas' Love Poem", "Gods of Olympus" poem, Caveant Emptor Vendorque, reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Pompeiiana XX.8, April 1994

Content: "Tandem! Daniel iansen Aureum Nummum Olympicum Meret" (Olympian Dan Jansen), "Pompeii: Recreating the Ruins", "Polyphemus" poem, "Silver Pigs" book review, "Olympic Retrospect" poem, "Julian", "Cupid's Job" poem, "The Slave Who Dared to Dream", "Roga Me Aliquid", "A Seasonable Warning" poem, "How Winter Came to Be", "Pompeii", "Nomen Mihi est Magistra", "Hoop Wars" poem, "You Can Take This to The Bank", Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "Cicero's World" crossword, "Searching for an 'A' in Latin" wordsearch, "The Pros" puzzle, "Military Madness" puzzle, "First King of Rome" puzzle, Picturae Moventes, "Gods and Goddesses" puzzle, "Fire!" puzzle, Libri Optimi, "Television -- Latin Style" puzzle, "Roman Government" scramble, "Trojan War" crossword, "Ex Libris Apici", "The Crisis, Number 1", "Vita" poems, "Playful Muths Often Contain Very Adult Aspects", "Looking Ahead to Summer" poem, "In the Footsteps of Orpheus" poem, "The Double Church: Saint Lawrence Outside the Walls", "Marpessa and Apollo" poem, "The Laurel, The Oak and The Linden" poem, "Winter Blues" poem, "Acronymic Lovers" acrostic, reading comprehension questions from page one, "Caveant Emptor Vendorque", comics page, answer key for teachers.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Pompeiiana XX.7, March 1994

Content: "Pueri Vaccini Iterum Atque Iterum Vincunt Sed nemo Incitari Videtur" (Superbowl XXVIII), "American Gladiators: Roman Style", "Porta Capena" song, "The Road to Glory" poem, "Roga Me Aliquid", "The House of Marcus Loreius Tiburtinus", "Rome's First Public Library", "Santa Costanza: From Mausoleum to Church", "Montessori: Greek Style", "Constantine", "Where the Boys Are: 13th Century Style", "Carmen Buranum", "Taking the Final Step From 'Translationeze' to Interesting English", "Caligula", "Ex Libris Apici", "Aphrodite" poem, "Resisting Arrest Costs Mathematician His Life", "Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores", "Easy Latin Verb Forms" crossword, "Latin Snacks" puzzle, "Color It Latin" puzzle, "Leaders of Rome" puzzle, "Greek Divinities" puzzle, Picturae Moventes, "Latina Recognitio" crossword, Libri Optimi, "Those Friendly Roman Gods" puzzle, "Enumerate the Numerals" puzzle, "Qui Pila Circum Bases Ludunt" puzzle, "The Trojan War" puzzle, "It's Like Finding Money" puzzle, "NBA Basketball Teams" puzzle, "Ode to Mark Antony", "Salve, Nomen mihi est Magistra", "No Archaeological Evidence for Caesar's Invasion of Britain", "The Pandemonium of Spring", "Bio" poem, "Trireme Trickery", "Roma Occupata", "The Amazons" poem, Caveant Emptor Vendorque, reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Pompeiiana XX.6, February 1994

Content: "De Morte Lincolniensi", "It's Hard to Complete Herculean Labors in the Modern World", "You May Not Know It, But You Suddenly Have Something that Everyone Wants", "Venite ad Cenam Saturnaliam", "Students Take Saturnalia Cues from Aulus Gellius", "Man-Made Love" poem, "Oratio de Quattuor Libertatibus" written by Franklin Delano Roosevelt, "Glimpse of the End of a Life", "Salve, Nomen mihi est Magistra", "Persona Day in Holland", "Studying Latin is . . . " acrostic, "The Demeaning of the World's Architectural Wonders", "Ex Libris Apici", "Fortune Hunter Destroys Three Families", "Diocletian", "San Giovanni e Paolo . . . Masterpiece in Stone", Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "Musical Terms" crossword, "Latin Idioms" puzzle, "Cartoons and Comic Strips" puzzle, "B. Carmina Rustica" puzzle, "Constellation Word Search", Picturae Moventes, "The Romans Had a way to Say It" crossword, Libri Optimi, "Plus Titulorum Negotialium" puzzle, "Greek Alphabet/Roman Numeral Match" puzzle, "Famous Roman Lovers" puzzle, "The Romans and Their State" puzzle, "Never Judge a Greek Until You have Rowed a Mile in his Trireme", "Roga Me Aliquid", "Zeus' Anger" poem, "On the Banks of the Wabash", "Ode to Cleopatra" poem, "Julius Caesar" poem, "And You Thought You Knew Why the Leaves Fall", "One with Lightning" poem, reading comprehension questions from page one, Caveant Emptor Vendorque, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Pompeiiana XX.5, January 1994

Content: "Socrates Quoque Hortabatur Ut Cives Pro Se Cogitarent", "Is it Time to Throw Out Our Calendar?", "Maritius, Lanius", "The Warrior's Wife" poem, "Salve, Nomen Mihi est Magistra", "The Locust Tree in Flower" poem, "If Only Everyone Knew" poem, "Tarpeia's Diary", "The Senator's Church", "The Fear of Turkish Prisons Fades", "Observations on Roman Architecture", "Keeping Modern Day Misfortunes in a Classical Persepctive", "Upon Reading Catullus' Poem to His Dead Brother", "Marcus, Coquus", "Ex Libris Apici", "The Fascination of Roman Houses", "Orpheus and Eurydice" poem, "The Story of the Fable", "Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, Picturae Moventes, "Advertising Slogans" puzzle, "It's All a Myth" puzzle, "An Ego Trip to a Royal Match" puzzle, "Mottoes, et Cetera" puzzle, "Archaeology Terms" crossword puzzle, "On the Farm" Word Search, "Holy Scramble" puzzle, "Deities, Latin Style" puzzle, "The Romans and their State" puzzle, Libri Optimi, "Roga Me Aliquid", "Cicero - Cum Grano Salis", "Janus Saw Both Sides of Any Issue", "Augustulus, Cliens", "The Colosseum" poem, "On the Isle of Aeaea" poem, "Valerian and Gallienus", "Picture Picture Picture Picture Picture", "Zeus and Hera" poem, Caveant Emptor Vendorque, reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Pompeiiana XX.4, December 1993

Comments: "Fabula de Festo Nativitatis Christi" ("A Christmas Carol"), "Let's Face It Because We're Photosensitive We're Always Parted in December", "Pro Cicerone", "Ancient Greek Heroes Really Were Pigs", "The Griffin and The Horse: Harmony at Last", "Tria Carmina" poems, "Where Coins Got Their Start", "Ex Libris Apici", "Cincinnatus", "Latin for the Masses", "Fabula de Agricola et Filiis", "Athena Demoted from Chryselephantine to Gypsatovitreoline", "Decius", "Meeth Thana Annia, The Etruscan Lady", "Roga Me Aliquid", "Litterae ex Germania", "In Ciceronis Memoriam", "The Netherworld" poem, "Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores", "Roman Culture" crossword, "Map Quest" word search, Picturae Moventes, "Learning from Cicero" puzzle, "Nicknames" jumble, word search, Libri Optimi, "Picturing Latin" puzzle, "O Ye Gods!" crossword, "Seasons" puzzle, "Infinite Infinitives" puzzle, "Christianity's Architectural Revenge", "Just Because Grandma is an Avia Doesn't Mean Grandpa's an Avius!" song, "Roman Slave" acrostic, "Salve, Nomen mihi est Magistra", "Hecuba's Lament", "Indiana Jones: More Fact than Fiction", "TheWere 14,000 Students on Campus in 250 BC", "Latin" poem, "Caveant Emptor Vendorque", reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Pompeiiana XX.3, November 1993

Content: "Pax Cum Inimicis Vestris Vobis Faceinda Est", "Students of the Rain Forests Follow in the Footsteps of Dioscurides and Pliny the Elder", "The Role of Latin in Producing a Bilingual Population", "If It Were Easy, Everyone Would Study It", "The Read Wheelbarrow" poem translation, "Trajan", "Echo" poem, "The Assignment That Got Out of Control", "Keeping Spirits Up in Latin", "San Stefano Rotondo: Antiquity Revisited", "The Never Stopped Singing", "A Real Roman Soldier Came to Our School", "Roga Me Aliquid", "We're So Young by Comparison", "One of Italy's Most Famous Landmarks Easily Overlooked", "Salve, Nomen Mihi est Magistra", "Cyclops" poem, "Ave Atque Vale", "A Speech to the Black People", Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "You've Met Your Match" puzzle, "Aeneid Enigmas" crossword puzzle, "Search for the Roman Gods" word search, "Searching for Kirk" puzzle, Picturae Moventes, "In Search of a Good Emperor" puzzle, "For Latin I Students Only" word search, "Facing up to the Facts" puzzle, "Hockey Teams" puzzle, "Abbreviations Et Al." crossword, Libri Optimi, "The Cryng Game" lyrics, "Ex Libris Apici", "Just Don't Touch my Hair", "Vacation Plans Gone Awry" poem, "Latin Student Makes a Fortune Seeling Arms and Dedicates His Life to Archaeology", "A Latin Dialect: The Mother of Modern-Day Spanish", "Sphinx" poem, "Caveant Emptor Vendorque", reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Pompeiiana XX.2, October 1993

Content: "Melvinus Gibides" (Mel Gibson), "The Thrills of Dancing Come Full Cycle", "Latin School Tradition Alive and Well in America", "Latin Limerick", "Salve, Nomen mihi est Magistra!", "Hercules to Leave Thebe", "Hello Mother, Hello Father", "Rat Race Got You Down?", "Roga Me Aliquid", "Bravo! Brava!", "Cerberus" acrostic, "The Use of 'Who' and 'Whom'", "Who's More Important, The Living or the Dead?", "Rainbow" poem, "Caesar Accepts Title of 'Rex'", "Diamonds Weren't a Girl's Best Friend", "In Defense of Heracles", "How Can a Man So Great be So Little Honored in his Own Country?" (Vergil), "Neith, Goddess of the City of Sais" poem, "Indianapolis Honors Mausolus, Ancient King of Asia Minor", "Ex Libris Apici", Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "Imperial Greetings" puzzle, "Happy New Year" crossword, "Holy Subjunctive, Batman!" puzzle, "Picturing Latin" puzzle, "Roman Slaves" puzzle, "Want a Date?" puzzle, Picturae Moventes, "A Royal Match" puzzle, "Searching for Pompeii" word search, "That's Entertainment" puzzle, "In Search of Latin" puzzle, "Silly Substitution" puzzle, Libri Optimi, "'Neutral' Colors" word search, "Caligula" puzzle, "Rome's Capitoline Hill . . . Enchanted Ground", "Miser Catulle" poem, "Proserpina" poem, "New Pharaoh Assumes Throne in Egypt", "Domitian", "The Fight" poem, "The Real Story of Icarus and Daedalus", "How Zeus and Hera Met and Why the Sky is Blue", "If I Don't Understand the Origins of a Word, I Refuse to Accept It Into My Vocabulary", "Icarus Speaks Out" poem, "Caveant Emptor Vendorque", reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachcers.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pompeiiana XX.1, September 1993

Content: "Paradisus Iurassicus" (Jurassic Park), "Reflections of an Empress", "Hail the Conquerors of Latin", "Pompeiiana Annual Meeting", "Psychoanalysis of the Man who Loved Lesbia", "Roga Me Aliquid", "The Sound o Seashells", "The Minoan Civilization" poem, "Mystical Highland" poem, "Romans Coy About a Private Function", "Salve, Nomen mihi est Magistra", "Diary of Staeienus", "Ex Libris Apici", "Crossing the River Styx", "Lost in Time", "Hades" poem, "For Romulus to Justifying His Murder of Remus", "A Poem for All Seasons", "Cerberus" poem, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "Latin Verb Jungle", "Latin for the Rainbow" crossword, "The Seven Kings" crossword, "Symbolic Search" puzzle, "Latin Scrambler Match" puzzle, "Constantine Scramble", Picturae Moventes, "Easy Nouns" word search, "Quis Aut Quid Est?" puzzle, "Ancient Precepts" puzzle, "Where's the Latin?" word search, Libri Optimi, "Ten Roman Emperors and Their Connections with Christianity", "A Long, Lonely Fall" poem, "When it Came to Getting Bored, Turnabout Was Definitely Fair Play", "The Eye of the Beholder" poem, "Greece: Known by All, Understood by Few", "What's in a Name" acrostic, "A Boy Named Caeruleus", Caveant Emptor Vendorque, "Watch Out for That Bolt!", "Feles" poem, "Dear Diary", "Rex Midas et Tactus Aureus", reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Pompeiiana XIX.9, May 1993

Content: "Extremus" (the Latin name for rock band Extreme), "Youths Lose Ties with Culture", "Man's Misfortune and His Hope" poem, "The 'Wright' Way to Teach Latin", "Roga Me Aliquid", "In Memory of Marcus Tullius Cicero", "Via Appia" poem, "The Magic of Mega Mosaics", "A New Master", "Martial Through the Eyes of Modern Teens" poetry, "Tom Jones", "The Glue That Held the Roman Empire Together", "Feed Your Head" poem, "Stradius", "So You Want to Become a Roman Banker . . .", "Mt. Judgment", "Ars Longa, Vita Brevis", "I Want to Come Back as a Word", "Venus Lives on in the Vocabulary of Love", "Statius Albius Oppianicus", "Augustus Living on in Marble and a Month", Carmina Optima et Eotrum Auctores, "Ancient Rome of Today" puzzle, "A Little History of Rome" crossword puzzle, "Naming the Nymphs" puzzle, "Matching Famous Roman Writers" puzzle, "Cryptoquotes" puzzle, Picturae Moventes, "Magicum Regnum" puzzle, "Phrase of the Day" word search, "Pax" word search, "Greek God Scrambler", "Scrambled Roman" puzzle, "Quis Aut Quid Est?" puzzle, Libri Optima, "Twelve Modern Labors for Hercules", "Frustrations of Zeus", "Confessions of a Peeping Tom", "Cookin' Roman", "Hail to Pompeiiana" poem, "A Day in the Life of Claudius Cornelius", "Apollo's Work" poem, "The War of Ater and Albus", "The Apollo Theater", "Medusa" limerick, "Caveant Emptor Vendorque", comics page, answer key for teachers.