Content: "Cantemus Latine!", "Cicero Mortuus Est!", "Ara Coeli . . . Stairway to Heaven", "Turnabout", "An Interview with Augustus Caesar", "Adaptation of Catullus 51", "Winter Solstice" poem, "Cita Itineraque Herculis", "Colorful History of the Celebration of Christmas Revealed by Holiday Customs and Terms", "Martial: Liber X.xlvii", "Sol Invictus" poem, "Roman Art", "Quis Sum?" poem, "Chillin' with Horace: Carmina I.xi" poem, "Concrete Evidence of the Role of Chance in History", "A Girl's Best Friend" poem, "Avoiding Deadly Lapsus Linguae", "King Midas" play, "Fires of Pompeii" poem, "Aurora at Pompeii", Roga Me Aliquid, "Cupid and Psyche" poem, "The Origin of Magistra", "Eternal Influence of the City Eternal", Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: Ova Mellita, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, Picturae Moventes, "Trivial Pursuit" wordfind, "Fabulae Greacae Romanaeque" crossword, "Scrambling to See" puzzle, "Panes Cotidiani et Feriati" puzzle, "Latin in Science" crossword, Libri Optimi, "Nomina Historica" puzzle, "Roman Concentration" puzzle, "Roman Farmin'" puzzle, "Six What on a What?" puzzle, "Ode to Echo!", "You Know You're Roman If . . . ", "The Flame" poem, "Oops! Wrong Evelyn!", reading comprehension questions from page one, "Nuntia Utilia Eis Qui Emptitetis", comics page, answer key for teachers.
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