Content: "Tripping Over Dead Romans", "Anulorum Dominus", "The Raucous Roman Forum", "Happy New Year!", "Little Latin Lovers", "It Finally All Makes Sense", "Solution to the Tower of Babel", "Watching Troy Fall", "These Rolling Stones", "Starting the Year Off Right", "It Finally All Makes Sense", horoscope for 2002, assorted poems, "Outsmarting the Sphinx, "King Midas with a Twist for the Mythologically Miffed", "Just When You Thought They Were Passe", "Greeks Draw Collegiate Criticism", "Much Ado About a German", "Sancti Lares et Penates", "Just Tell 'em Once!", "Is There a Doctor in the House", Roga Me Aliquid, Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: Country-Style Ancient Greek Bread, "Lower the Curtain, Start the Play", Ludi, reading comprehension questions from page one, "Res Venum Datae", comics page, answer key for teachers.