Content: "Alanis Omnia Negotia Musica Regit!", "Ferias Agamus: Let's Party", "Alexandria", "A series of fictional letters written from Roman women to men", "On Catullus" poem, "Caesar" poem, "The Starfish Story", "Virum Canamus!" song, "In Honor of the Peacemaker", "Julius" poem, "Apollo" poem, "Diana" poem, "Pliny the Elder: The Too Curious Scientist", "Roman Glass for Latin Class", Roga Me Aliquid, "The War of the Gods", "Amor" poem, Libri Optimi, Picturae Moventes, "Abbreviated Matching" puzzle, "Crux Verborum De Cicerone" crossword, "Searching for a Motto" wordfind, "What's In a Name?" puzzle, "Televisionis Spectacula" puzzle, "What does Martial Mean?" puzzle, "Apparatus Fabricemur!" puzzle, "Musical Match" puzzle, "Boxed-In" wordfind, "Emperors and their Reigns" crossword, "The Revenge of Arachne", "Gladiators: Entertainment, Justice and Murder, Part 3", "Women and Religion: Priestesses and Vestal Virgins", "My Love's Love's Dead" poem, "Dona Cereris", Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: Watercress Salad with Hot Herb Dressing, "Archaeology in Neptune's Realm", "Caesar" poem, Ministeria Conducibilia and Res Venales, reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.
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