Friday, December 18, 2009

Pompeiiana XXV.4, December 1998

Content: "Cantemus Latine!", "Cicero Mortuus Est!", "Ara Coeli . . . Stairway to Heaven", "Turnabout", "An Interview with Augustus Caesar", "Adaptation of Catullus 51", "Winter Solstice" poem, "Cita Itineraque Herculis", "Colorful History of the Celebration of Christmas Revealed by Holiday Customs and Terms", "Martial: Liber X.xlvii", "Sol Invictus" poem, "Roman Art", "Quis Sum?" poem, "Chillin' with Horace: Carmina I.xi" poem, "Concrete Evidence of the Role of Chance in History", "A Girl's Best Friend" poem, "Avoiding Deadly Lapsus Linguae", "King Midas" play, "Fires of Pompeii" poem, "Aurora at Pompeii", Roga Me Aliquid, "Cupid and Psyche" poem, "The Origin of Magistra", "Eternal Influence of the City Eternal", Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: Ova Mellita, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, Picturae Moventes, "Trivial Pursuit" wordfind, "Fabulae Greacae Romanaeque" crossword, "Scrambling to See" puzzle, "Panes Cotidiani et Feriati" puzzle, "Latin in Science" crossword, Libri Optimi, "Nomina Historica" puzzle, "Roman Concentration" puzzle, "Roman Farmin'" puzzle, "Six What on a What?" puzzle, "Ode to Echo!", "You Know You're Roman If . . . ", "The Flame" poem, "Oops! Wrong Evelyn!", reading comprehension questions from page one, "Nuntia Utilia Eis Qui Emptitetis", comics page, answer key for teachers.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Pompeiiana XXV.3, November 1998

Content: "Jesse Castra: Moderna Fabula Cinderellensis", "The Mulvian Bridge . . . Setting for Drama", "Join the Honor Roll", "Adventure in Taormina", "Pygmalion and Galatea", "Pluto & Persephone" poem, "Sample Class Activities for Latin I, II, and III", "Georges Revisited", "Those Dueling Swordfighters!", "Side-by-Side Translation" poems, "Alexander's Contraption", "Medea" poem, "Greek and Roman Man of Strength!" poem, "Quintus Curtius Rufus: Historiae Alexandri", "Ray of Pompeii a la Dr. Seuss", "The Story of the First Rose", "Pick Your Friends Well!" poem, "Watch What You Say, It May be Ancient!", "Cosmes: The Cosmetic Goddess", "Arts, Crafts and Architecture: The Gifts of the Roman Empire", "Jimmy" poem, "Can You Hear Pompeii's Voices?" poem, "Veterans Day in Rome", "Emperor's Annual Chariot Races Under Way", "No Sugar n' Spice Here" poem, "Fall" poem, "The Eleventh Commandment of Rome: 'Thou Shalt Bathe Thy Body'", Roga Me Aliquid, "We Got Those Ol' Roman Blues!", Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: Patina de Asparagis cum Herbis, "Octavius et Gigas", "R.I.P." poem, Picturae Moventes, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "A Mythological Burden" puzzle, "The Aeneid, Book I" crossword, "Hac Decade Televisionis Spectacula Iocularissima" puzzle, "It's a Father: Son Thing" puzzle, "A Thanksgiving Cornucopia" crossword, "Res Grammaticae" puzzle, "Searching for Body Parts" wordsearch, "A Thanksgiving-Pie Puzzle", "Now That's Impressive" puzzle, Libri Optimi, "Back to the Basics: Latin, That is!", "Looking Up" poem, reading comprehension questions from page one, "Nuntia Utilia Eis Qui Emptitetis", comics page, answer key for teachers.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Pompeiiana XXV.2, October 1998

Content: "Picturarum Adumbrationes: Non Amplius Liberis Solis", "The Umbrellas of Rome", "Frontinus: The Strategems", "Claudius' Challenge", "My Heart Will Go On" lyrics, "Haiku Latinae", "The Bad Roman Gods" poem, "Garum", "Not Just a Building", "Lament of Pliny the Elder" poem, "Echo and Narcissus" poem, "A Little Loosely Translated Catullus, Carmen V", "Io Diddle Diddle" poem, "When it Came to Art, It Was Like Greek, Like Roman", "In Stellarum Luce", "Invocation to Muses: An Update", "Birdhouse in Your Soul" lyrics, "An Imaginary Toga Tale", "No Skateboarding in the Forum", "Interlinear Haiku", "Beluarum Rex", "Catulli Carmen III", "Run for Love and Hate", "Let's Do Rome", "Demeter's Grudge", "Bad Boy" poem, Roga Me Aliquid, "The Legionary Fortress", "Reflections on Italy: A Journal", Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: "Pullus Gallinaceus Varius", "The Eyes of Homer", "Going for the Burn" poem, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, Picturae Moventes, "Scrambled Authors" puzzle, "Bellum Troianum" crossword, "Job Search" puzzle, "Spooky Titles" puzzle, "Corporeal Quiz" puzzle, "Crossword Movie Guide", "In Search of Jupiter's Library" puzzle, "Ova Romana" puzzle, "At One With Nature" puzzle, "In Search of Greek Mythology" wordfind, "The Golden Mississippi", "Three Little Thoughts" poem, "Territus" poem, reading comprehension questions from page one, "Nuntia Utilia Eis Qui Emptitetis", comics page, answer key for teachers.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Pompeiiana XXV.1, September 1998

Content: "Picturae Moventes Aestivae", "The View From the Pincio", "'Introduction to the Pompeiiana Newsletter' Scavenger Hunt", "My First Year in Latin", "Oedipus" poem, "Serpens et Mus", "Aeneas" poem, "Execution Update", "Invocation to the Muse: An Update" poem, "Beating Pulses" poem, "The Theatrical Tradition of Pompeii", "A Very Matter-of-Fact Story About Daedalus and Icarus", "The Wonders of Classical Architecture as Presented by Marcus Vitruvius Pollio", "Tempus" poem, "Improving Student Reading Levels", "Roman Mint, Anyone?", "Mettalum Gaiserum", "Foamy Aphrodite" poem, "Hey, You Mean We Didn't Invent All This Stuff?", "On A Street Corner, Two Romans Chat, More with their Hands than Their Voices", "Legion XIIII Now On Line", "Don't Just Sit There! There's a Lot You Can Do this Month", Roga Me Aliquid, "The Development of Inline Sandals", "Catullus II", "Go Ahead, Have Fun this Year", "Carpe Linguam", Recipe for Lactuca Condita, "Forbidden Love" play, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, Picturae Moventes, "Ancient Geometry" puzzle, "All in the Family" puzzle, "Women of Mythology" crossword, "A Matching Perscription for Wisdom" puzzle, "Animalia" crossword, Libri Optimi, "A Translation Word Search", "In Calina" puzzle, "A Ducky Palindrome", "Ceyx and Halcyone" poem, reading comprehension questions from page one, "Nuntia Utilia Eis Qui Emptitetis", comics page, answer key for teachers.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Pompeiiana XXIV.9. May 1998

Content: "Homo Urbanus", "The Cupolas of Rome", "The Ara Pacis Augustae", "The Great Latin Textbook Giveaway", "Catullus 50: The '90s Style" rap, "New Leads in Rome's Great Fire", "Rome: Our Origin" poem, "Classical Studies Gaining Importance in University Liberal Arts Programs", "Invocation to the Muses: An Update" poem, "Puellae" poem, "Glaucus and Scylla", "Sixth Grade Latin Students Visit the Underworld", "Catullus II in Ebonics" poem, "Rollin' on the Roman Road", Roga Me Aliquid, "Helena: Mother of Constantine the Great", "Pompeii" poem, "The Last Days of Pompeii" review, "Spicula" game, "Ave Atque Vale" poem, "Pila Ludere" games, Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: Puniceae Buccellae Lacteae Frictae et Mellitae, Picturae Moventes, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "Roman Style" puzzle, "Rainbow Research" wordfind, "Ecce Romani Vocabularia: Lectiones I-VI" crossword, "Lightly Scrambled Mythology" crossword, Libri Optimi, "Melodic Mythology" puzzle, "Septem Nani" puzzle, "Catervae Collegiales" puzzle, "Nuntia Collectanea" crossword, "Oblectatio Romana", "Aestate" puzzle, "Carthago Visitanda Est!", "Echo and Narcissus" poem, reading comprehension questions from page one, "Ad Negotium Transigendum", comics page, answer key for teachers.