Content: "Pax Cum Inimicis Vestris Vobis Faceinda Est", "Students of the Rain Forests Follow in the Footsteps of Dioscurides and Pliny the Elder", "The Role of Latin in Producing a Bilingual Population", "If It Were Easy, Everyone Would Study It", "The Read Wheelbarrow" poem translation, "Trajan", "Echo" poem, "The Assignment That Got Out of Control", "Keeping Spirits Up in Latin", "San Stefano Rotondo: Antiquity Revisited", "The Never Stopped Singing", "A Real Roman Soldier Came to Our School", "Roga Me Aliquid", "We're So Young by Comparison", "One of Italy's Most Famous Landmarks Easily Overlooked", "Salve, Nomen Mihi est Magistra", "Cyclops" poem, "Ave Atque Vale", "A Speech to the Black People", Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "You've Met Your Match" puzzle, "Aeneid Enigmas" crossword puzzle, "Search for the Roman Gods" word search, "Searching for Kirk" puzzle, Picturae Moventes, "In Search of a Good Emperor" puzzle, "For Latin I Students Only" word search, "Facing up to the Facts" puzzle, "Hockey Teams" puzzle, "Abbreviations Et Al." crossword, Libri Optimi, "The Cryng Game" lyrics, "Ex Libris Apici", "Just Don't Touch my Hair", "Vacation Plans Gone Awry" poem, "Latin Student Makes a Fortune Seeling Arms and Dedicates His Life to Archaeology", "A Latin Dialect: The Mother of Modern-Day Spanish", "Sphinx" poem, "Caveant Emptor Vendorque", reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.
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