Content: "Picturae Moventes Aestivae", "The View From the Pincio", "'Introduction to the Pompeiiana Newsletter' Scavenger Hunt", "My First Year in Latin", "Oedipus" poem, "Serpens et Mus", "Aeneas" poem, "Execution Update", "Invocation to the Muse: An Update" poem, "Beating Pulses" poem, "The Theatrical Tradition of Pompeii", "A Very Matter-of-Fact Story About Daedalus and Icarus", "The Wonders of Classical Architecture as Presented by Marcus Vitruvius Pollio", "Tempus" poem, "Improving Student Reading Levels", "Roman Mint, Anyone?", "Mettalum Gaiserum", "Foamy Aphrodite" poem, "Hey, You Mean We Didn't Invent All This Stuff?", "On A Street Corner, Two Romans Chat, More with their Hands than Their Voices", "Legion XIIII Now On Line", "Don't Just Sit There! There's a Lot You Can Do this Month", Roga Me Aliquid, "The Development of Inline Sandals", "Catullus II", "Go Ahead, Have Fun this Year", "Carpe Linguam", Recipe for Lactuca Condita, "Forbidden Love" play, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, Picturae Moventes, "Ancient Geometry" puzzle, "All in the Family" puzzle, "Women of Mythology" crossword, "A Matching Perscription for Wisdom" puzzle, "Animalia" crossword, Libri Optimi, "A Translation Word Search", "In Calina" puzzle, "A Ducky Palindrome", "Ceyx and Halcyone" poem, reading comprehension questions from page one, "Nuntia Utilia Eis Qui Emptitetis", comics page, answer key for teachers.
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