Friday, November 6, 2009

Pompeiiana XXII.8, April 1996

Content: "Ludi Olympici Committeantur", "Exploring Campania: A Piece of Paradise", "Spend a Classical Spring Break in the U.S.A.", "Be Careful What You Pray For, The Gods Just Might Give It To You", "Riley Revels in Learning Latin" poem, "Easter", "In Reverentia" poem, "Orvieto . . . Then and Now", "Aquaeductus", "The Parthenon", "Aurelius Augustmus", "Aeneas and Dido" poem, "A Lecture on Stoicism", "Roman Fortifications", Roga Me Aliquid, "A Victim of Vesuvius" poem, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, Libri Optimi, "Vergil and the Aeneid" crossword, "On the Cutting Edge" puzzle, ". . . When You're Having Fun" puzzle, Picturae Moventes, "Verba Vitae Romanae" puzzle, "The Nine Muses" puzzle, "Eastern Religions" puzzle, "Ulysses", "Fathe of the Year" puzzle, Coquamus Romane, "Changes in Later Roman Times", "Who Owns It? His, Hers, Its, and Theirs", "Augustus Creates a New World Order", "Students Return After School to meet Those Wonderful Romans", "Crash Closes Via Appia", "Medusa's Mongoose", "Unplugged: The Siren Song", Caveant Emptor Vendorque, reading comprehension quesstions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Pompeiiana XXII.7, March 1996

Content: "Pauli Somnium", "Venturing into the Spirit of Rome", "Intensive??? Reflexive??? What's a Scholar to Do? Intensive and Reflexive Pronouns", "Titus Lives", "When in Ancient Rome . . . " poem, "O.K., Here's What Really Happened on the Ides of March, 44 B.C.", "Navis", "Trastevere . . . Then and Now", "A Welcome Return to Monarchy: The Hundred Year Roman Revolution", "Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus: the Savior of Rome", "It's Never Too Early to Start Thinking About Halloween", "Res Hodie Agendae", Roga Me Aliquid, "The Roman Camp", "Cupid's Love" poem, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, Libri Optimi, "Find-a-Form" wordsearch, "Twelve Labors of Hercules" crossword, "Author! Author!" puzzle, "State Motto Search" puzzle, "Figuratively Speaking" puzzle, Picturae Moventes, "Ornaments and Jewelry", "Derivative Matching" puzzle, "The Roman Forum" puzzle, "How Much Do You Know About Ulysses?" puzzle, "Animal Match" puzzle, Coquamus Romane, "A Ring of Arcades: The Colosseum", "Roman Marriage", "Stories from the Underworld: Legends of the Fall . . . ", "lower case love" poem, "Lean on Me" poem, Caveant Emptor Vendorque, reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Pompeiiana XXII.6, February 1996

Content: "Fabula de Oblectamentis Puerorum", "Tivoli: A Refreshing Pause", "The Gracchi: Defenders of the People", "Latin Phrases Save the Day at Pompeii", "Singing to a Different Tune", "False Bravado", "The Triumph of the Arch", "Figlina", "Narcissus and Echo" poem, "Roman Rhymes", "The Sphinx's Riddle", "Weapons and Tactics", "Rome Versus Carthage", "It's a Bird! It's a Bee! No, It's a Hummingbird!", "Shoes, Boots, and Sandals", Roga Me Aliquid, "Tempestas Roxanna", "Roman" poem, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "Monstra" puzzle, Libri Optimi, "Partes Corporis", "Common Knowledge" crossword, "The House of Atreus . . . Pride Comes Before the Fall!", "Connect the Dots" puzzle, Picturae Moventes, "Searching for the First Declension" wordsearch, "In Aliis Litteris" crossword, "Coquamus Romane", "Publius Ovidius Naso", "Regulus, The Champion" poem, "Castel Gandolfo . . . Then and Now", "The 'With' Ablatives: You Can't Survive Without Them", "Obituary for Adonis" poem, "Venus" poem, reading comprehension questions from page one, Cavenat Emptor Vendorque, Comics page, answer key for teachers.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Pompeiiana XXII.5, January 1996

Content: "De Una Europaeorum Populari Re Publica", "Crossing the Veil of Time", "Quintus Horatius Flaccus", "The Circle of Figures Known as the Zodiac", "The 'Prize' of October Equus Dedicated to Vesta", "Daily Life in the Military", "Early Roman Architecture: An Auspicious Start", "Palestrina: Then and Now", "Hats and Hairdressing", "Chariot Racing Comes Back to Life", "Roga Me Aliquid", "Mensura", Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, Libri Optimi, "Latin Phrases" Crossword, "Looking into the Past" puzzle, "Trojan War Matching" puzzle, "A Comman of the Language" puzzle, Picturae Moventes, "It's a 'Myth'tery to Me" crossword, "Mixed Fruit" puzzle, Coquamus Romane, "Nothing Without Theseus", "The Fun We Had on the Poseidon Adventure", "Heroinae: Some Great Ladies of Roman Legend", "The Rise of Rome and the Unification of Italy", "Gunfight at the O.K. Columns", Caveant Emptor Vendorque, reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.