Friday, January 29, 2010

Pompeiiana XXVI.8, April 2000

Content: "Carolinus Brown, Snoopius, Linus, Lucia . . . quo modo eorum umquam oblivisci possum?", "The Pagan Priest in the Vatican", "Fencing Battle Sees Perseus Victorious", "Apollo Reports Sun Chariot Stolen", "Auriga Resigns from Whites Team", "Cicero, It is Thee I Emulate", "Buffy: No Match for Lamia", "Coins of the Roman Empire", "Argus: The Real Story . . . Sort Of", "And That's Why Spring Has Come Again: A One-Act Skit", "Exclusive Interview with the Founder of the Greatest City Ever Built", "Archaeology Confirms Ancient Literary Record", "Happy Birthday, Roma!", "After the Big One", "Radio news", Roga Me Aliquid, "In the Steps of Alexander", "Conversations with Socrates", Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: Acetaria ex Cucumeribus, "Latin: Multicultural and Interdisciplinary", Ludi Apti ad Discendum, "The Real Founder of Rome", reading comprehension questions from page one, "Thesaurus Rerum Quae Magistris Utiles Sint et Quae Teneant Illos Qui Latinam Ament", comics page, answer key for teachers.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Pompeiiana XXVI.7, March 2000

Content: "Tu Etiam Nunc Es Tu, Et Amo Te!", "The Dinner Paty: A Roman Tradition", "In the Footsteps of Alexander", "Just Another Day at the Flavian Amphitheater", "The Lifeless Baby", "Net News", "Mercy Killings on the Rise", "Ants in Antiquity", "Cleopatra Murdered!", "Carissime Sychaeus", "A St. Patrick's Day Tale with an Ancient Twist", "A One-Minute History of the Fall of Rome", Roga Me Aliquid, "Conversations with Socrates", Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: Gustum de Armeniacis, "The Man of the Month", Ludi Apti Ad Discendum, assorted poems, "Spring . . . When a Young Lady's Fancy Turns to . . . Catapults!", "Say, Julia, Who Does Your Hair?", Thesaurus Rerum Quae Magistris Utiles Sint et Quae Teneant Illos Qui Latinam Ament", reading comprehension questions from page one, Ioculare Visu, answer key for teachers.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Pompeiiana XXVI.6, February 2000

Content: "Charlotta Ecclesia: Canta Voce Angelica", "The Open Air Market: A Roman Delight", "Commemorate Terminalia at Your School this Year!", "In the Footsteps of Alexander", "Modern Day Vestals", "Your Brother's a Real Dog!", "Gossip Column from the Nile Daily News", "Triple Trickery", "Pompeiiana on Cutting Edge of Digital-Library Technology", "Roman Repast Review", "If Two Roman Children Came to My Town", "One Eyed Poly, Shepherd", "Creation of Polyphemus", Roga Me Aliquid, "Latin Crowns A. D. 2000", "Conversations with Socrates", Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: Globi, "Cleopatra's Needle", "Did George Washington's Family Tell a Lie?", "Georgius Washingtonius: Pater Patriae", Ludi Apti Ad Discendum, assorted poems, "Noteworthy Lunar Miscalculations", "Dear Cassandra", "No Matter Where You Dig, There They Were", reading comprehension questions from page one, "Thesaurus Rerum Quae Magistris Utiles Sint et Quae Teneant Illos Qui Latinam Ament", Ioculare Visu, answer key for teachers.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Pompeiiana XXVI.5, January 2000

Content: "Pocemontes" (Pokemon), "YIIK: Two Ways to Look at It", "Bread & Wine: Symbols of Rome", "In the Footsteps of Alexander", "The Price of Freedom", "There Always Was a Doctor in the House", "So, Like, Did Sampson Ever Meet Heracles?", "The Mysterious Birth of Athena", "Little Miss Deponens", "Berlin Wall Nothing in Comparison", "Catullus XLVI: Farewell to Bithynia", "Love and Courage", "A Hero Lies in You", "Astronomers Improve Calendar", "Hello Mother, Hello Father", Roga Me Aliquid, "Conversations with Socrates", Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: Patina de Piris, "Ludi Apti ad Discendum", "News from the Field of Archaeology", "Looking Out for the Past", "Carcass on Display", "Thesaurus Rerum Quae Magistris Utiles Sunt et Quae Teneant Illos Latinam Amant", comics page, reading comprehension questions from page one, answer key for teachers, assorted poems.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Pompeiiana XXVI.4, December 1999

Content: "Salinae Nativitatis Miraculum", "Pilgrimage to Rome", "Dine Like the Romans", "It's Saturnalia: Sing Up a Storm!" carols, "Peace on Earth" poem, "Looking Ahead to a Fond Farewell" poem, "In the Footsteps of Alexander", "Io Saturnalia!" skit in Latin, "Will Mortals Never Learn?" play, assorted poems, "Nero: The Mystery Solved", "Pondering Potter (Harry, That Is)", "Future of Latin in Hands of Classicists", Roga Me Aliqud, "The Appian Way", "Conversations with Socrates", Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: Savillum, Ludi Apti Ad Discendum, "Spiraling Shape" They Might be Giants lyrics in Latin, "Presence of Roman Goddess Minerva Felt Strongly in Indy", "Thesaurus Rerum Quae Magistris Utiles Sint", reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.