Contents: The cover sports a model of a Pompeiian house built by Mindy Pasz of Fulton Junior High School. Contents include "Latin . . . A Language Beging to be Part of a Living Culture", "The House of Marcus Loreius Tiburtinus, Citizen of Pompeii", "Roman Mosaics, Tesseraed Splendors of Antiquity Appreciated Only Through Reproduction", "Pompeiian Bread" recipe, "Latin Teachers can be Retired from the Classroom . . . but You Can't Stop them from Teaching Latin", Wordfind by Sally Simpson, Latin Conundrums puzzle, "De Bello Gerendo", fundraising for the Museum of Classical Heritage in America, "Bottles for Latin" fundraiser, "Is the Seventh Grade too Early to Start Studying Latin?", "The Gong Show Strikes Again".