Content: "Gibber ab Dominae Nostrae Ecclesia" (The Hunchback of Notre Dame), "Ferias Agamus: Let's Party", "All Roads Lead to Rome, But Do Any Lead 'From Rome'?", "The Modern Gods" poem, "The Legend of Trochilos and Ornismya", "A Series of Fictional Letters Written from Roman Women to Men", "August, A.D. 79", "Latin Continues to Give Its Students the Edge", "The Balcony: A Roman Institution", "Alpheus and Arethusa" poem, "Women in Early Rome", Roga Me Aliquid, "P-A-I-N" lyrics, "The Thirteenth Labor: Killing the Goat of Ithitarus", "Roman Letters from Fort Vindolanda", "Reflections on Delphi", "Metamorphoses", "Urbs Mea", Libri Optimi, Picturae Moventes, "Reditus Ad Ludum" puzzle, "House of Atreus" crossword puzzle, "The Aeneid" crossword puzzle, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "Cicero A La Carte" puzzle, "Familiae Caledoniae" puzzle, "Spectasne?" puzzle, "Auctores Romani" puzzle, "Plautus: A Funny Thing Happened", "Roman Empire Held Together by Volcanic Ash", "Hahahae!", "Mea Sus", "Argus", "Nero Was Part of His Name-O" poem, "Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: Halvah Cake", "Bring Back the Excitement", Ministeria Conducibilia & Res Venales, reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.
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