Friday, November 13, 2009

Pompeiiana XXIII.4, December 1996

Content: "Est Vita Mirabilis", "The Aeneid: Book One" poem, "Ferias Agamus: Let's Party", "Ovid: A Poem and a Mistake", "Pharos: Lighthouse of Alexandria", "The Funeral", "A Murder on the Appian Way", "The Pontiff at the Synagogue", "Tria Carmina" poems, "Sister's Funeral" poem, "Ephesus", Roga Me Aliquid, "Heroes: Roman and American", "Ceres Non Amat Laborem Suum" poem, "The Battle of Two Invincibles", "Enemy of Roman State Finally Apprehended", "Hercules" poem, "A Series of Fictional Letters Written from Roman Women to Men", "Venus" poem, Libri Optimi, "The Dating Game" puzzle, "It's Slavery" crossword puzzle, "Mythological Derivatives" puzzle, "Sectus Herculis Labor" puzzle, "Cantemus!" puzzle, Picturae Moventes, "Familia" wordsearch, "Livy II" crossword puzzle, "Significant Events in Roman History" puzzle, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "The Legal Position of Women", "Roman Temples", "First Contact", "Minerva" poem, "Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: Patina de Piris", Ministeria Conducibilia & Res Venales, reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Pompeiiana XXIII.3, November 1996

Content: "Shannon Lucida: Astronauta Extraordinaria", "Ferias Agamus: Let's Party", "Colchis: In Search of the Golden Fleece", "Budding Political Pundits Speak Out in Latin!", "Religious, Legal, Medical, and Commercial Metaphors in Catullus 76", "Athenae: Magistra Mundo", "Cave Canem", "A Series of Fictional Letters Written from Roman Women to Men", "Wrestling the Wind", "The Honorary Column . . . a Roman Institution", "The Venus Throw", "De Ambiguate Quarundam Linguarum", "June 1, 1962", "Arvus Varus", "Mt. Vesuvius" poem, "Digging Up an Old Game", Roga Me Aliquid, "Catullus: A gentleman from Verona", "Hic Iacet: 'Here Lies'", "Perseus and Medusa" poem, "A Queen Called Autumn", "Legion XIIII Invades NJCL Convention", "Underground Network Revealed", Libri Optimi, Picturae Moventes, "Famous Phrases" puzzle, "Cicero's Revenge" puzzle, "Numeri Romani" puzzle, "Heracles" crossword puzzle, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "Holera" puzzle, "Universitatis Athletae" puzzle, "Ad Deos Romanos Petendos" wordsearch, "Clothing and Fashions" crossword puzzle, "Weddings and Roman Brides", "History Interrupted" poem, "They Also Fought Who Stayed Home and Studied", "To the Tune of 'The Beverly Hillbillies'", "The Trials of Aeneas: Book I" poem, "Zeus" poem, "How the Sphinx Came to Be", "Daphne and Apollo" poem, "Poets in a Landscape", "Cerberus" poem, Ministeria Conducibilia & Res Venales, reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Pompeiiana XXIII.2, October 1996

Content: "Jonathan Textor Thomas", "Lucretius: Explaining the Universe", "Ferias Agamus: Let's Party!", "Sudden Demand for Greek and Latin Authors Astonishes Publishers", "A Series of Fictional Letters Written from Roman Women to Men", "Flying Colors", "Petition", "We, the Immortal Ones", "Colosseum Dedicated: Finally Open After 10 Years of Construction", "The Trattoria . . . A Roman Institution", "Man Disappears in New Winged Horse Race", "From Birth to Marriage", Roga Me Aliquid, "Last Act in Palmyra", "Latin and WWII", "Cicero's Second", "August, A.D. 79", "The Roman Empire" poem, "Armadillus", "Tell Me a Story" poem, Libri Optimi, Picturae Moventes, "Animalia" puzzle, "Famous Words of Famous Men" puzzle, "Roman Authors" crossword, "Romani Praeclari" puzzle, "'Roman' About the House" puzzle, "Noun and Verb Forms" crossword puzzle, "Quotation Quest" puzzle, "Latin Lingo" puzzle, "Diggin into Declensions" puzzle, "Ludi Scaenici in Via Lata" puzzle, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "Macedonia: The Mother's Gift", "The Flight of Icarus", "One Fine Day" poem, "Former Latin Teacher Incorporates Classics into Her Latest Book", "Vergil Interviewed on His Birthday", "A Domus on the Palatine Hill", Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: Artichokes, Ministeria Conducibilia & Res Venales, reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Pompeiiana XXIII.1, September 1996

Content: "Gibber ab Dominae Nostrae Ecclesia" (The Hunchback of Notre Dame), "Ferias Agamus: Let's Party", "All Roads Lead to Rome, But Do Any Lead 'From Rome'?", "The Modern Gods" poem, "The Legend of Trochilos and Ornismya", "A Series of Fictional Letters Written from Roman Women to Men", "August, A.D. 79", "Latin Continues to Give Its Students the Edge", "The Balcony: A Roman Institution", "Alpheus and Arethusa" poem, "Women in Early Rome", Roga Me Aliquid, "P-A-I-N" lyrics, "The Thirteenth Labor: Killing the Goat of Ithitarus", "Roman Letters from Fort Vindolanda", "Reflections on Delphi", "Metamorphoses", "Urbs Mea", Libri Optimi, Picturae Moventes, "Reditus Ad Ludum" puzzle, "House of Atreus" crossword puzzle, "The Aeneid" crossword puzzle, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "Cicero A La Carte" puzzle, "Familiae Caledoniae" puzzle, "Spectasne?" puzzle, "Auctores Romani" puzzle, "Plautus: A Funny Thing Happened", "Roman Empire Held Together by Volcanic Ash", "Hahahae!", "Mea Sus", "Argus", "Nero Was Part of His Name-O" poem, "Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: Halvah Cake", "Bring Back the Excitement", Ministeria Conducibilia & Res Venales, reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Pompeiiana XXII.9, May 1996

Content: "Fratres Coen et 'Fargo'", "Legacies of Vesuvius", "Could Teaching Latin be the Elixir of Life", "Election Speech", "Machina", "Padua . . . Then and Now", "Perseus, Worshipped by the Roman Legions?", "C. Iulius Caesar Octavianus: Augustus et Pater Patriae", "From Bath to Cathedral", "A Visit with Glaucus, Owner of the House of the Tragic Poet", "Francesco Petrarca", "The Roman Navy", Roga Me Aliquid, Carmina Optima et Eoarum Auctores, Libri Optimi, "A Little Bit of Caesar" crossword puzzle, "Myth Monikers" puzzle, "Mystery Phrase" puzzle, "Sister Act" puzzle, "Message Mottos" puzzle, "Deity Description" puzzle, "Roman Television" puzzle, "Amor Post Meridiem" puzzle, Picturae Moventes, "The Fall of Rome: It's History", Coquamus Romane", "No Rest and No Peace" poem, "Romans Often Won the War After Losing the Battle", "Thinking About Halloween . . . Again", "Have Toga, Will Party", "The Dreaded Passive Periphrastic", "A Warning" poem, "Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema: Painter of 'Victorians in Togas'", Caveant Emptor Vendorque, reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.