Content: "Melvinus Gibides" (Mel Gibson), "The Thrills of Dancing Come Full Cycle", "Latin School Tradition Alive and Well in America", "Latin Limerick", "Salve, Nomen mihi est Magistra!", "Hercules to Leave Thebe", "Hello Mother, Hello Father", "Rat Race Got You Down?", "Roga Me Aliquid", "Bravo! Brava!", "Cerberus" acrostic, "The Use of 'Who' and 'Whom'", "Who's More Important, The Living or the Dead?", "Rainbow" poem, "Caesar Accepts Title of 'Rex'", "Diamonds Weren't a Girl's Best Friend", "In Defense of Heracles", "How Can a Man So Great be So Little Honored in his Own Country?" (Vergil), "Neith, Goddess of the City of Sais" poem, "Indianapolis Honors Mausolus, Ancient King of Asia Minor", "Ex Libris Apici", Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "Imperial Greetings" puzzle, "Happy New Year" crossword, "Holy Subjunctive, Batman!" puzzle, "Picturing Latin" puzzle, "Roman Slaves" puzzle, "Want a Date?" puzzle, Picturae Moventes, "A Royal Match" puzzle, "Searching for Pompeii" word search, "That's Entertainment" puzzle, "In Search of Latin" puzzle, "Silly Substitution" puzzle, Libri Optimi, "'Neutral' Colors" word search, "Caligula" puzzle, "Rome's Capitoline Hill . . . Enchanted Ground", "Miser Catulle" poem, "Proserpina" poem, "New Pharaoh Assumes Throne in Egypt", "Domitian", "The Fight" poem, "The Real Story of Icarus and Daedalus", "How Zeus and Hera Met and Why the Sky is Blue", "If I Don't Understand the Origins of a Word, I Refuse to Accept It Into My Vocabulary", "Icarus Speaks Out" poem, "Caveant Emptor Vendorque", reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachcers.
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