Thursday, March 12, 2009

Pompeiiana, V.4, March 1979

Contents: The cover image features Greg Beal of Fulton Junior High School, Indianapolis, Indiana. Articles includem "Pompeiianae Praefectus Salutem Dicit Litterarum Classicarum Studiosis", "Let's Have a Real Roman Banquet!", "When Dining Like the Romans, Recline, Recline, Recline", "Morituri Te Salutamus", "Ars Gratia Artis!", "Mirabile Dictu!", "I Take Latin" theme song, "Money", "Ancient Catapults" article review by Bernard Barcio, "Latin and English Reactions to Reading The Iliad" by Parker Nolan, Fulton Junior High School.

Pompeiiana V.3, February 1979

Contents: This' issue's cover shows Latin students of Donna Huffer of Carmel High School at their Latin Day display. Articles include, "Pompeiianae Praefectus Salutem Dicit Litterarum Classicarum Studiosis", "Latin Day Celebrates Pompeii A.D. 79", "Vesuvius Erupts Again!", "Vercingetorix", "Cupid: A Boy of Many Faces", "Hero et Leander" A Latin story by Laurie Bear, "Pun Time", "Search for the Message from the Greek and Roman Gods" puzzle, "Saturnalia" poem by Brian Hunt, "Happy Charioteers".

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Pompeiiana V.2, November 1978

Contents: On the cover we see Latin students of Pat Cupp from Clay Junior High School in Carmel, Indiana, celebrating their winning of the Caterva Optime Induta prize. Articles include, "Pompeiianae Praefectus Salutem Dicit Litterarum Classicarum Studiosis", "ACL President Proposes Aggressive Goals for the Supporters of Classical Studies in America", "A Candid Review of Pompeii A.D. 79" by Nick Mack of Wayne High School, "How to Create a Mosaic Masterpiece", "79 AD Comic", "Indianapolis Raceway Park Hosts Second National Chariathon for Latin", "You Don't Wish to Fight?" poem by Bryan Hurt.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Pompeiiana V.1, September 1978

Contents: The cover features Girl Scout Troop 283 of Indianapolis, Indiana, participating in a Roman parade. Articles include "Pompeiianae Praefectus Salutem Dicit Litterarum Classicarum Studiosis!", "Romans at Play", "How Efficient is the Catapult 'Zephyrus'?", anacrostic puzzle, "'Felix Funditor' Smashes its Own Catapult Record!", "Bethlehem Catholic High School Latin Exhibit", "Museum of Classical Heritage Fund Raising Drive", "A Living Latin Label", "Admission to the Pompeii A.D. 79 Exhibit in Chicago".

Monday, March 9, 2009

Pompeiiana IV.5, May 1978

Contents: The cover of this issue features students of Latin teacher Helen Bailey, John Marshall High School, Indianapolis, Indiana. Articles include "Pompeiianae Praefectus Salutem Dicit Literarum Classicarum Studiosis!", "Pompeii AD79" museum exhibit, "Sante Vivo" (aka "Stayin' Alive") lyrics in Latin by Orchard Country Day School student Jim Shepherd, "Strange Encounters of the Third Kind (circa 700 BC))" article on Cicero, "Latin Day '78", ACL 1978 schedule