Friday, August 14, 2009

Pompeiiana XVII.1, September 1990

Content: "Ricardus Vestigator" (Dick Tracy), "Marcus Aurelius Rides Again", "Austrian Radio to follow Finnish Broadcasting Company Lead", "Legionnaire Score Board", "Pegasus and Bellerophon" poem, "Delecto Cardillo", "Because He's the Champ" poem, "Roga Me Aliquid", "Soccer World Cup Tournament Sidetracks Search for Romulu's Wall", "Only and Game" and "The Gladiator" poem, "The Phoenecians and Carthage", "Excerpts From the Diary of Aeneas", "Imperial Rome's Camp David", "Cooking with Cynthia", "Sirens Suicidal, City Shocked", "Vivamus" poem, "Hocus Pocus", Comics page, Classified Ads, "The Role of Nymphs in Greek Mythology", "The Game" poem, "Thorus Polso Barcio Disertissimo S. D.", "Diamond Poemata", "The Trojan War" crossword, "The World of Julius Caesar" puzzle, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "Offspring of Zeus/Jupiter" puzzle, "Word Search for Heroes, Monsters, and Gods" puzzle, reading comprehension questions from page one, answer key for teachers.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Pompeiiana XVI.9, May 1990

Content: "Maximum Spectaculum in Cursu: D Milia Passuum Indianapolitis", "Latin Students Entertain NYSAFLT", "The Roman 'Limes' Wall of Defense in Southern Germany", "Always, The Proper Study of Mankind Eventualy Involves Latin", "Roga Me Aliquid", "Lucronus", "Modernized Martial" poems, "Italian Contributions to English Vocabulary: Pars IX", "The Roman 'Limes' Wall of Defense in Southern Germany", "The Catacaombs", "The Women of Nero", "The Four Leaf Clover", "What was it Like to be a Teen in Ancient Rome?", "Table Talk", Comics page, "Baking with Modestus", "A Clarion Call for Precision", "Aurora and Tithonus", "Classified Ads", Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores", "Pre-posterous Prepositions" puzzle, "Mythology Madness" puzzle, "Scrambled Latin" puzzle, "A Herculean Task" puzzle, "Venimusene, Vidimusne, Vicimusne?" puzzle, "Mythology Match" puzzle, "Numberless" crossword, reading comprehension questions from page one, andswer key for teachers.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Pompeiiana XVI.8, April 1990

Content: "Simpifilii: Novissimae Personae Delineate in Televisione Vespertina" (The Simpsons), "Beatam Diem Natalem, Roma!", "Roga Me Aliquid", "Italian Contributions to English Vocabulary: Pars VIII", "Hercules in the Heartland", "Vespers at the Forum" poem, "Classical Comics Your Grandpa Enjoyed", "Playing 'Bread Roulette' at the Bakery of Modestus", "Regula Aurea for the Latin Classroom", "Ben Hur Trivia", "The Eternal Street Names . . . of Rome", "The Modern Roman Empire", "Aeneas and Dido: A New Version", "The Wives of Claudius: Agrippina the Younger", Comics page, "Baking with Modestus", "Hypothemis: The Man Who Was Changed into a Lion", "Go, Team, Win! Spirit Week Comes to America's Schools", Classified Ads, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "Of Troy and the Trojan War" puzzle, "The Italian Connection" wordsearch, "Words 'Pater' Fathered" puzzle, "Quid Agis Hodie?" puzzle, reading comprehension questions from page one, answer key for teachers.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Pompeiiana XVI.7, March 1990

Content: "Iosephus Montanensis: Athleta Supremus!" (Joe Montana), "Latin Interest Rising in Public Schools", "An Account of a Helvetian Survivor", "Roga Me Aliquid", "Italian Contributions to English Vocabulary, Pars VII", "Bestia Chardonia et Trillius", "Gorgons Looked Like Women, Only More Horrible", "Et Tu South Bend?", "The Return of Proserpina", "Pueri" poem, "Julius Caesar" poem, "Andromeda" poem, "Poemata Iaponica" haikus, "The House that Vespasian Built", "Caesar's Victim", "Cascadia", "The Wives of Claudius: Messalina", "Great Caesar's Ghost Returns", "Peritus Puer Rusticus" poem, comics page, Classified Ads, "Baking with Modestus", Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "Emperors and their Reigns" puzzle, "Latin Word Search", "Radices Quadratae", "Animalia Romana", "Italian Oppida Search", reading comprehension questions from page one, answer key for teachers.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Pompeiiana XVI.6, February 1990

Content: "Paula Abdula", "Decade Mania", "Origins of the Carnival", "Computers Come to Pompeii", "The Tiber Ran Red", "Roga Me Aliquid", "Levitas Februaria" poems, "Contributions to the English Vocabulary from Italian Pars VI", "Cup-Bearers to the Gods", "Little White Highway Crosses: Morbid Folk Mementoes or Ancient Tradition?", "Sola" poem, "Apollo and the Grand Canyon and the Ice Age", "Roman Mythology", "Pompeii", "The Women of Augustus", "World News in Latin: An Update", Comics page, "Baking with Modestus, "The Final Word on Nonne and Num", Classified Ads, "Tristan et Ancilla", Carmina Optima Eorum Auctores, "Mania Madness" puzzle, reading comprehension questions from page one, "Numbers in Latin" wordsearch, "Culture and Mythology" crossword, "Optimae Picturae Moventes Aestatis MCMLXXXIX" puzzle, answer key for teachers.