Content: "Gladiator", "The Catacomb Chronicles", "I Hate Grammar!", assorted poems, "The Lost Brother", "Dallas-Ft. Worth Area Schools Revive Latin", "If Horatio had Defended the Bridge Today", "Unexplained Creatures of the Ancient World", "Zeus and the Moose" script, "Did Someone Say 'Nude' Olympics?", Roga Me Aliquid, "Watch Out for that Rhetorical Device!", "The Stolen Arch", "Vergil's Shakespearean Encounter" play, "Pondering Potter - Harry, that is", "We're Surrounded by Neo-Classical Architecture", Ludi Apti ad Discendum et se Oblectandum, "Top Ten Reasons to Take Latin", "Ecce Romani Sunt!", reading comprehension questions from page one, "Proscriptiones Nundinariae", comics page, answer key for teachers.
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