Content: "Quinque Pueri Qui Musicam Facere Amant", "Rendezvous in Rome", "A Letter to a Friend", assorted poems, "A Roman Wedding", "Latin Still Lives, and, boy, is it fun!", "Lighten Up, Man", "Pennies: A Ciceronean Parody", "A Perfect Husband", "Princess Mononoke Themesong" (Latin lyrics), "In the Footsteps of Alexander", Roga Me Aliquid, "Pisa: Pompeii of the North", "Latin Teachers No Longer Found Only in Classrooms", "Classics Take Center Stage", "Conversations with Socrates", Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: Porrorum Frictorum Offae", "Mummy Dearest", Ludi Apti ad Discendum, "CyberLatin Site Praised", "Thesaurus Rerum Quae Magistris Utiles Sint et Quae Teneant Illos Qui Latinam Ament", comics page, answer key for teachers.
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