Content: "Maximum Spectaculum in Cursu: D Milia Passuum Indianapolitis", "Latin Students Entertain NYSAFLT", "The Roman 'Limes' Wall of Defense in Southern Germany", "Always, The Proper Study of Mankind Eventualy Involves Latin", "Roga Me Aliquid", "Lucronus", "Modernized Martial" poems, "Italian Contributions to English Vocabulary: Pars IX", "The Roman 'Limes' Wall of Defense in Southern Germany", "The Catacaombs", "The Women of Nero", "The Four Leaf Clover", "What was it Like to be a Teen in Ancient Rome?", "Table Talk", Comics page, "Baking with Modestus", "A Clarion Call for Precision", "Aurora and Tithonus", "Classified Ads", Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores", "Pre-posterous Prepositions" puzzle, "Mythology Madness" puzzle, "Scrambled Latin" puzzle, "A Herculean Task" puzzle, "Venimusene, Vidimusne, Vicimusne?" puzzle, "Mythology Match" puzzle, "Numberless" crossword, reading comprehension questions from page one, andswer key for teachers.
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