Content: "Paula Abdula", "Decade Mania", "Origins of the Carnival", "Computers Come to Pompeii", "The Tiber Ran Red", "Roga Me Aliquid", "Levitas Februaria" poems, "Contributions to the English Vocabulary from Italian Pars VI", "Cup-Bearers to the Gods", "Little White Highway Crosses: Morbid Folk Mementoes or Ancient Tradition?", "Sola" poem, "Apollo and the Grand Canyon and the Ice Age", "Roman Mythology", "Pompeii", "The Women of Augustus", "World News in Latin: An Update", Comics page, "Baking with Modestus, "The Final Word on Nonne and Num", Classified Ads, "Tristan et Ancilla", Carmina Optima Eorum Auctores, "Mania Madness" puzzle, reading comprehension questions from page one, "Numbers in Latin" wordsearch, "Culture and Mythology" crossword, "Optimae Picturae Moventes Aestatis MCMLXXXIX" puzzle, answer key for teachers.
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