Content: "Fredericuius Prinzus, Junior", "The Basilica as Courthouse", "Classical Studies Central to a Liveral Arts Education", "Jefferson Touts Latin!", assorted poems, "Circus Maximus", "The Aeneid, Book I: A One-Act Play", "Swimmer's Surprise", "Beware of Falling Leaves . . . and Cadavers!", "Play Time in Egypt", "The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius", "Me. Myself and Brenus", "Catullus: The Rest of the Story", "Aemilia: Gladiatrix Pompeiana", Roga Me Aliquid, "Honey, I Shrunk the Monuments of Rome!", Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: Gallina in Vino Albo Cocea, Ludi, "Res Venum Datae", reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, asnwer key for teachers.
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