Content: "Pocemontes" (Pokemon), "YIIK: Two Ways to Look at It", "Bread & Wine: Symbols of Rome", "In the Footsteps of Alexander", "The Price of Freedom", "There Always Was a Doctor in the House", "So, Like, Did Sampson Ever Meet Heracles?", "The Mysterious Birth of Athena", "Little Miss Deponens", "Berlin Wall Nothing in Comparison", "Catullus XLVI: Farewell to Bithynia", "Love and Courage", "A Hero Lies in You", "Astronomers Improve Calendar", "Hello Mother, Hello Father", Roga Me Aliquid, "Conversations with Socrates", Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: Patina de Piris, "Ludi Apti ad Discendum", "News from the Field of Archaeology", "Looking Out for the Past", "Carcass on Display", "Thesaurus Rerum Quae Magistris Utiles Sunt et Quae Teneant Illos Latinam Amant", comics page, reading comprehension questions from page one, answer key for teachers, assorted poems.
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