Content: "Bestiolae Vita Proportionum Minutarum Epos", "Hey, Buddy, Can You Spare a Quadrans for a Bath?", "Mithras and His Disciples", "Odysseus Has Mercy", "Cogita de Aenea, Quaeso!" poem, "Ode to Latin" poem, "In Horto Florifero" poem, "From Fear, Courage!" poem, "Using Pompeiiana Newsletter in the Classroom", "The Myth of the Wolf", "Knowledge is the Light of the Mind", "What If Cicero Hadn't...?", "Ovid: Tristia" poem, "Urbs Aeterna" poem, "Vulcanus" poem, "Cicero: Roman Inspiration for Dr. Martin Luther Kind, Jr.", "Nursery Rhymes", "Cupid & Psyche" teleplay, "We Won't Mention the Fact that Cicero was a Giant Among Midgets!", "Morning Has Broken" poem, Roga Me Aliquid, "Asylum Meum" poem, "The Triumphant Gladiators" poem, "The God of Wine in Greek and Roman Mythology", Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: "Dulcia cum Cinnamomo", Picturae Moventes, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "Who's Who in the Odyssey" crossword, "Top Ten TV Game Shows" puzzle, "Mothers of the Children of Zeus" puzzle, "Marius'-Mule Matching" puzzle, Libri Optimi, "Oh, Those Latin Verbs!" crossword, "Consider This!" puzzle, "Mythological Mix-up" puzzle, "A Very Touchy Game" puzzle, "Historical Hills of Rome Puzzle", "I Claudius" puzzle, "Latin Enrollments Triple", Nuntia Utilia Eis Qui Emptitetis, comics page, answer key for teachers.
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