Content: "UNCUS: Dolor Durat Per CXXXV Momenta Temporis", "Latin 101" poem, "An Ideal Latin Classroom: Then & Now", "Ostia . . . Where the Mute Stones Speak", "Koryphaios Kai Kinesies" poem, "Window of Experience" poem, "Miriam's Account of Her Last Dat on Masada", "My Longest Journey" poem, "Welcome to Derivative Heaven", "Cupid, Cupid" poem, "The Goddess of Pain", "Equus" pictogram, "Legionnaire Score Board", "An Open Letter", "Jason's Bogus Adventure", "The Swells of Neptune", "Martis Dies - Dies Mortis", "Cena Specials", "Androcles" poem, "Those Seven Wonders", "The Brother's Tomb", "Mater" poem, "Roga Me Aliquid", "Lover's Lament" poem, "You Can't Make a Sow's Ear into a Silk Purse, But Your Mouth Will Do Just Fine", "Caesar" poem, Classified Ads, Comics page, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "Ahoy Mates!" puzzle, "Caesar" crossword puzzle, "A Message to All Latin Students" puzzle, "Res Latinae" crossword puzzle, reading comprehension questions from page one, answer key for teachers.
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