Thursday, September 17, 2009

Pompeiiana XIX.2, October 1992

Content: "Vestes Novae Imperatoris", "Mosquitoes, Mussolini, and Malaria", "Walnut Hills H.S.", "Pompeiiana Introduces New Format", "Roga Me Aliquid", "The Sirens" poem, "Hero Pushes Wife Over the Edge", "Elvis", "Imbiber's Latin Plea for Mercy", "Orpheus and Eurydice" poem, "The Trojan War" poem, "Sports Review", "Roman Food" poem, "She Had the Itch", "Venus in Copper", "Bird Bath Mosaic Reproduced in Nebraska", "Why Ask Why?" poem, "Cookin' Roman", "Caudiane Furculae" poem, "Where Light Bulbs Come From", "Caesar" poem, "Theseus et Minotaurus" play in Latin, "Verbs for the Beginner" crossword, "Libri Optima", "Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores", "A Travelling Match Game" puzzle, "Famous Latin Sayings" rebus, "Roman Clothing" crossword, "Just for Fun" crossword, "Roman Courts" puzzle, "Well-Turnd Phrases" puzzle, "Praenomina Scramble" puzzle, "Getting to the Root of the Matter" puzzle, "Picturae Moventes", "The Twelve Caesars" puzzle, "Musical Match" puzzle, "Dido's Farewell" poem, "'Re' Nor Really 'A Drop of Golden Sun'", "I am Woman" poem, "Athenian Limerick", "A Valentine" poem, "Charges of Racism Leveled at Classical Scholars", "Cleopatra" poem, "Pompeii's Music Center", "Director of Pompeiiana, Inc. Cited for Most Important Contribution to the Promotion of Latin in 1991-92", Comics page, "Caveant Emptor Vendorque", "An Etymologist Looks at Daydreaming", "The Promises of the Drunk" poem, reading comprehension questions from page 2, answer key for teachers.

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