Content: "Solus Domi" (Home Alone), "Friends, Romans, Countrymen", "91-92 Pompeiiana Newsletter Contract Cartoonists Sought", "A Psychological Evaluation of Queen Dido", "Legionnaire Score Board", "Is 'Fun with Latin' an Oxymoron?", "Roga Me Aliquid", "Lingua Latina" poem, "The role of Nymphs in Greek Mythology, Pars VIII", "Roman Slaves: A Day in the Life", "The Tomb of Hadrian", "Julius Caesar" poem, "How the Owl Got Night Vision", "Cooking with Cynthia", "What's In", "Scylla's Tale" poem, "Dies in Vita Pavonis", Comics page, Classified Ads, "Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores", "Motto Matchup" puzzle, "Julius Caesar" crossword, "In Other Words . . ." puzzle, "Cardinal Quest" puzzle, "Aptitude Test" puzzle, reading comprehension questions from page one, answer key for teachers.
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