Content: "Liberi Novi in Urbis Minima Sectione" (New Kids on the Block), "An Open Letter From the Front", "Latin and Greek Still Most Direct Written Link to Earliest Homo Sapiens", "Legionnaire Score Board", "Unsung Heroes of Zama: Mures Manipulares III", "Deus vs. Diabolus", "Answers to Eternal Questions Found in Latin", "Time's Winged Chariot" poem, "Roga Me Aliquid", "Pingere the Painter", "The Inns f Italy: Narrated by Livia Drusilla", "The Obelisks of Rome", "Pater" poem, "Cooking with Cynthia", "Women of the Roman Republic", "Servius Tullius Meets the Beverly Hillbillies", Comics page, Classified Ads, "The Role of the Nymphs in Greek Mythology: Pars V", "Dionysus", Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "Quid est in Televisione" puzzle, "The Julio-Claudian Era" crossword puzzle, "Preposition Match" puzzle, "Latin Word" puzzle, "Greek or Roman Divinity of ??" puzzle, "Quick Pix" puzzle, "People Who 'Settled Down'" puzzle, reading comprehension questions from page one, answer key for teachers
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