Content: "Si Quaeris Amoenam Victoriam, Circumspice!", "Modern Myth", "The Romans Ate Vegetables -- But They Had a Passion fo Asparagus", "The Western World's Only Pyramid", "Roga Me Aliquid", "Parvi Pupi", "Musae Romanae: Fairwell to the Muse" poem, "So You Want a Good Translation", "Sing Along with Terpsichore", "Fun with 'Mitto'", "Big Business From Roman Horse Races", "Colloquium" Latin dialogue, "When is Eros not Eros?", "The Roman Nose", "Rap On, Caesar, Rap On", "Sing Along with Terpsichore", "Myths in Art: Garden Herms of Dionysus and a Maenad", "The Acropolis", "The Gods" poem, "Floral and Faunal Myths: The Lizard, The Woodpecker and the Anemone", "Fabula De Tonitru", "The Clone of Persephone", "The Pergamon Museum", "The Truth About Triremes", Comics page, "Magnum Proventum Poetarum Annus Hic Attulit", "Artes Latinae", "Claudia's Kitchen", Classified Ads, Carmina Optima et Aucotres Eorum, Budding Genius quiz, "Famous Romans" puzzle, "'Roman' for a Match" puzzle, "Roman Domain" wordsearch, "Gods and Their Activities" puzzle, reading comprehension questions from page one, answer key for teachers.
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