Content: "Quis Columniatus Est Rogerum Cuniculum?" (aka Who Framed Roger Rabbit?), "12th National Chariathon to be Part of Lew Wallace Circus Maximus Festival in Crawfordsville, Indiana, On Saturday, October 15", "Puella Cucullo Rubro" Latin dialogue, "Musae Romanae", "Undelivered Ancient Mail Discovered", "Roga Me Aliquid", "Top British Classicist Speaks Out for Greek", "Modernized Martial" poems, Sing Along with Terpsichore, "The Tonight Show" playlet, "Cajun: A Truly Classical Connection", "Myths in Art: Laocoon", "Forum Romanum", "The Hodag's Heritage", "Floral and Faunal Myths", "Lay of Ancient Rome" poem, "Reflections of Latin I" poem, "Lesbia's Dead Sparrow" poem, "The British Museum in London", "Roman Columns Revealed", "Ioculare Visu" comics page, "Shooting for the Gold", "Neo-Latin: The Final Epoch?", "Daedalus Non Nimis Alte Volavit", Claudia's Kitchen, Classified Ads, Carmina Optima et Auctores Eorum, "Gods and their Symbols" puzzle, "Latin I Word Search", "Identify These Famous Names and Places", "Mythological Matching" puzzle, "In Search of Jason" crossword, Budding Genius quiz, reading comprehension questions from page one, answer key for teachers.
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