Content: "Pax-I: MMMM Athletae in Indiana Certant", "Discovering Britain: Chedworth", "11th National Chariathon", "Let's Go!: What to See and Do in Rome this Month", "Roga Me Aliquid", "Esoteric Myths of Greece & Rome", "Fables Bullfinch Forgot" poem, "Latin A More Important Study Than Math for Future Computer Programmers", "Roman Roads: Fact v. Fiction", "Toad" poem, "Let's Play a Game, Magister", "Fable for Critics" poem, "Claudia's Kitchen", "Highlights of History" comic, "Gone with the Wind" review in Latin, "Here We Are in Latin Class" poem, "Athlete of the Year Honored", "Come on, Bill, Give Us a Break", "Roman Glass on Display in New York", Classified Ads, "Carmina Optima et Auctores Eorum", "The Puzzle of the Verb 'To Be'", "Sing Along with Phoebus", "Ubi Est Capitolium", "Mythology Skeleton Puzzle", "Body Search", Budding Genius quiz, reading comprehension questions from page one, answer key for teachers.
many thanks helps with my latin
ReplyDeletemay thanks for the items very help full even though old