Content: "Guilliemus 'Humilis' Cosbius, Ed.D.", "The Sound of Ancient Music", "Disci Summi et Auctores Eorum", "Clothes and Jewelry" quiz, "Aenigma Verborum Transversorum Latinum" crossword puzzle, "Quis est Quis?" puzzle by Kristi Wood, "Sing Along with Sempronia", "Trojan Family Tree" puzzle by Alex Schultz, "Latin Plurals in English" word search, "Search for Classical Identities" puzzle, "Per Saturam" jumble, "Candelabrum Romanum", "Ancient Boxing not a Gentleman's Sport", "Cupid's Notes", "9th National Chariathon a Success", "Off the Leash" comic, Classified Ads, "Roga Me Aliquid", "Cooking with Claudia", "Visit the Retirement Home of the Emperor Diocletian", "Trojan War Still a Puzzle", Budding Genius quiz, reading comprehension questions for page one, answer key for teachers.
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