Friday, December 11, 2009

Pompeiiana XIV.8, April 1998

Content: "Diversa Spectaculi Ad Loquendum Convivatrix: Rosea De Donella", "Let's Drive Out to Luca!", "Join the Honor Roll", "Io, Paganalia!", "Greek and Roman Defense of Vegetarianism", "Julia Domna: Happy Wife of an Emperor, Sad Mother of Two More", "Aeneas and I" poem, "Normal Animosity", "Getting Even with Catullus" poem, "A Little Bit O' Rome in Las Vegas", "Dubitatio: Scientiae Clavis" poem, "A Latin Student's Guide to the WWW", "For the Love of Persephone", "The Aeneid Through Modern Eyes", "Atalanta" poem, "Word Mystery", "Cleopatra: The Story of My Life", "Miracle of Creation Witnessed", "Savagery in the Aeneid and Vergil's Ancient Commentators", "Forum Verborum" game, "The Creation of the Doughnut", "Cyprus" poem, "Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes", "Rota" game, "Catullan Tears" poem, "Triptolemus' Lament" poem, "Trojan War Finally Ends!", Roga Me Aliquid, "Ephesus", Picturae Moventes, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "Verba Adversa" puzzle, "Naturally N'Awlins" puzzle, "Verborum Labyrinthus" wordsearch, "Geographia" crossword, "Scholae" puzzle, "I Claudius, the Novel" crossword, "Roman Tourist Attractions", "Movers and Shakers" puzzle, Libri Optimi, "Mixed Up Mythology" puzzle, "Romans Blamed for Pollution of Greenland's Ice Sheet", Ad Negotium Transigendum, reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Pompeiiana XXIV.7, March 1998

Content: "Gaius Iulius Caesar", "Verona, Italy", "Latrunculi, Duodecim Scripta, Tabula, et Sex Verba" games, "Slavery: The Worst Evil", "Mons Testaceus . . . A Medieval Golgotha", "The Latin Man" song, "Julius Caesar: Paradigm of glory", "Rebuild 'Old Rome' in Two Years?", "Mea Amica, Ver" poem, "The Gauls Sack Rome: An Anniversary", Word Mystery, "Agrippina: The Power of a Mother's Love", "Play Ball!", "Hercules" poem, "Vexillum Stellis Distinctum" poem, "Hero Pius" poem, "Loca Latina Graecaque in Orbis Terrarum Araneo", "Sic Transit Gloria Mundi", "Acies Triplex", "Quid Tibi Nomen Est?", Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: Armeniaca Ad Primam Mensam", "Echo's Song", Roga Me Aliquid, Picturae Moventes, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "The Boys of Summer" puzzle, "Famam Suam Vindicantes" puzzle, "Mommy! Daddy!" puzzle, "De Deis Deabusque" crossword, "The Flavian Dynasty" wordfind, "Let's Do the Monster Match" puzzle, "Searching for Deponents" wordfind, "Quaestum Facere" crossword, Libri Optimi, "Marcus the Turtle", "Pompeii" poem, "2,000 Ancient Scrolls Found", reading comprehenstion questions from page one, "Ad Negotium Transigendum", comics page, answer key for teachers.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Pompeiiana XXIV.6, February 1998

Content: "Maya Angelou", "Baiae: A Place to Explore", "Sebastian, Soldier and Martyr", Word Mystery, "Tres Parvia Porci", "The Course of Honor", "Trigon" games, "The Tragedy of Pyramus and Thisbe", "You're Not My Valentine" poem, "Livia, Model of Roman Virtue", "Looking Ahead to Summer" poem, "Deep: Red Love" poem, "Daedalus" poem, "The Origin of Tornadoes", "In Honor of George Washington" poem, "Mathematica" poem, "My Master, Caligula", "Give Each Other Heart" poem, "Nursery Rhymes", "Make Way for the Appian Way", "The Ideal Ruler According to Vergil and Shakespeare", "Stand Up and Shout" game, "T.S. Eliot No Hero of Modern Multi-Culturalism", Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: Panis Romanus ex Secali et Similia, "Ego's Lament" poem, "Cupid, I was There" poem, "The Tale of the Werewolf" play, Roga Me Aliquid, Picturae Moventes, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "At the Crossroads of Early Rome" crossword, "Starting Off on the Right Foot" puzzle, "O. Di Immortales!" wordfind, "Geting Cross with Grammar" crossword, "A Literary Journey" wordfind, "Not Your Average Bear" puzzle, "Extra! Extra!" puzzle, Libri Optimi, "You Can Count on Mythology" puzzle, reading comprehension questions from page one, "Ad Negotium Transigendum", comics page, answer key for teachers.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Pompeiiana XXIV.5, January 1998

Content: "Lupus in Spatio", "Metamorphosis . . . From Tepidarium to Church", "The Villa of San Michele", "Hortensia, the Voice of Reform", "Phoebe and James", "Arena News", "Roma Aeterna Vivit", "Pluto and Proserpina", "Hippomenes and Atalanta" poem, "Diana", "Vale, Ave", Word Mystery, "Of Battle's Fury" poem, "The Sun Also Rises for Mid-Year Graduates", "Scawvola" poem, "Vergil and the Christian World", "No Sugar and Spice Here" poem, "Socestes' Boot", "Olim Parvus Eram" poem, "Dominare" game, "Cupido Psycheque", "Mola" game, Ancient Greek and Roman Recipes: Carotae Frictae, Roga Me Aliquid, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, Picturae Moventes, "Lingua Vulgaris" puzzle, "Will You Look Where I Was Looking?" wordfind, "Quis Hoc Scripsit" puzzle, "Scrambling to Get Cleaned Up for Weddings and Parties" puzzle, "Clari Romani" puzzle, "Literally Speaking" puzzle, "A Cryptic Crossword", "In a Manner of Speaking" puzzle, Libri Optimi, Ad Negotium Transigendum, reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Pomepiiana XXIV.4, December 1997

Content: "Fabula de Iesu Natu Latina Vulgari Scripta a Sancto Hieronymo", "Pontifex Maximus: Tum et Nunc", "Sorry, Millennium Watchers, You Missed It!", "Saturnalia Gambling" poem, "Fulvia, A Woman of Action", "Ludus Talarius", "Daedalus et Icarus" poem, "The Story of Mt. Olympus", "An Old Man's Tale", "Word Mystery", "What Holy Grail?", "Hey, Aeneas, Tell Us a Story!", "Marpessa and Apollo" poem, "Verbatim Latin Poetry", "Winter" poem, "The Battle of Cannae" game for class, "Iason et Medea", "A Ballad of Aeneas" song, "Ova Spongia ex Lacte" recipe, "Paterno By the Book", "Cook Your Way to Fame", "Turtulous", "Herculaneum", Roga Me Aliquid, Picturae Moventes, Carmina Optima et Eorum Auctores, "Who's Who in the Aeneid" puzzle, "On the Road Again" puzzle, "Is this Legal?" puzzle, "Colora Hanc Picturam Utens Coloribus Numeratis" puzzle, "Wacky Weather" puzzle, "The Odyssey" crossword, "A Search for a Snake in the Grass" wordfind, "It's Customary" puzzle, "Triskaidekaphobia" puzzle, "A Mixed Up Snow White" puzzle, Libri Optimi, "Meet the Press", "Ad Negotium Transigendum", reading comprehension questions from page one, comics page, answer key for teachers.